Saulo is one of the greatest and every instructor does things differently. I would like to hear from those here that have a lot more experience than I do their thoughts about his closed guard pass from the knees. What sweeps or subs would someone not as skilled as Saulo be at risk for? Here is the link
Typically, people push into the abdomen to keep the opponent from sitting up, not to break the guard. Obviously, this training partner is lying relaxed, hips on the mat. But in rolling, your opponent can sit up and reposition his hips inside of the thigh instead of at the cap of the knee.
The only thing we do a little different than a lot of bjj academies is we keep our forward knee on the outside of the hip. Other than that its the usual guard break.
Still a hard thing to pull off for me on strong guys.
Lumbricus terrestris - How long until eddie steals the basic saulo closed guard pass and calls it new and revolutionary?
respected people here like eddie and acknowledge his accolades.
Lumbricus terrestris - How long until eddie steals the basic saulo closed guard pass and calls it new and revolutionary?
Your post is very ironic. You criticize Eddie for renaming moves, yet you name a standard BJJ guard break after Saulo.
pats0 -Lumbricus terrestris - How long until eddie steals the basic saulo closed guard pass and calls it new and revolutionary?
Your post is very ironic. You criticize Eddie for renaming moves, yet you name a standard BJJ guard break after Saulo.
lol zing!!!
I dont think youre exposed too badly for subs. For sweeps I would just watch how much you are circling and how fast because it seems like that may be an opportunity to be off balance.
Saulo is one of the best if not the best modern day BJJ teachers going.