Saulo Ribeiro on the Double Guard Pull


The last thing we need is more rules or a ridiculous timer. We need less rules. Eliminate the reaping rule and see what happens. He started out talking about self defence and ended talking about entertainment value. If you start adding rules to make it more entertaining (if it even would be) then you're doing just what Judo has done.

I know for a fact Saulo doesn't want heelhooks or reaping, he said before in an interview. In a "real fight" you're not going to lose a fight because your foot crossed over his body to the other side.

Allow reaping, for purple belts at least and see how the game evolves. A purple beat is usually a guy with 5+ years of experience and hundreds of hours mat time. I think he can be trusted to know when his knee is in danger.

Nothing against Saulo, he's a legend and I have his book.

" . . . It's kind of boring to watch, to be here, to be the parents who watch . . . "