SBGI Canadian Camp review

ok here goes my review while i'm waiting at a client's house for stuff to finish

now some of you might think that you learn a lot from Matt and crew during the seminar, however this review may or may not change that view

well we started on friday, it was a fun 3 hours, i thought i was going to be late due to traffic but everyone else was a bit late showing up, something about Matt and his luffa stuff or that's what Luis said at least.

we started with a quick question/friendship circle about what we would cover and like to cover. then we had a light roll to start and Rebecca almost killed me due to nicknames given to her by the injured Jeff. Then Matt did some basic ground stuff for a bit and then Luis took over for a bit doing his hockey fighting 101.

after that we all went back to the hotel and relaxed because 11 am was not too far off. however the hotel room did not get ytv and therefore no justice league unlimited.

next day was pretty fun and when the ball really got moving. Matt started us off doing the 5 point passing game from closed guard and worked some of the 5 point top game. we covered the dry dock, sag, smear and morph top games. Karl, with the help of a translator, taught some anti-clinch work.

lunch was fun with Matt covering half the resturant with his creamer and unsucessfully trying to get me to dump salt on my food, i think it has something to do with his fear of playing me in air hockey.

after we got back we finsihed up the anti-clinch with Karl and then Luis did some gi work.

well that's part one, more stuff including fashion tips from Karl in my next post

Camp was awesome. . . . . .Luis busted out his new 'clinch with cloth' game. Using the jacket to facilitate control and striking. It's an awesome game we will be working here, and everyone had a lot of fun.
Karl taught his anti clinch curriculum, which is designed to keep your hands free for striking, and keep you on your feet, and includes level changes, sprawls, stomps, re-pummel strikes, footwork, etc. Both Luis and I watched this and realized it would be added to the curriculum right away. It makes a great supplement for CM phase 2.

Again, what amazes me most about our Instructors is not the level of skill, or the freindly attitude, although both of those things are top notch. . .it's the CREATIVITY. . .I am constantly amazed at what the guys are coming up with, and bringing to the curriculum. It's really-really fun to see.

Luis also taught his harness game, which is by far the bast back attack curriculum I have ever seen. And I stuck with some basic fundamentals, passing the guard, and top game objectives and energies. Karl also did a brief review of STAB for the seminar guests.

I think everyone had a blast, and I want to say a big THANK YOU to Rich. Rich is always a fantastic host, and goes out of his way to have a professional event for us, and all those that attend.

See you next time.


now for part 2 of my review

After the second day wrapped up we all went to our homes/hotels for a bit and those that wished came out for dinner with all the crew. now this is where the real fun of the camp comes out.

we had crappy service at the resturant, tho the food was good. we got the pleasure of watching Matt, Luis and Karl play musical dinner seating the whole night. after they got settled in and Karl refused to eat his pigeon, Karl gave Mike Sweeny some really good fashion tips on how to co-ordiante posing in the mirror with wrestling shoes and vale tudo shorts and what type of bjj belt goes best with them. Matt was giving us tips on good luffa pads to use.

then we watched poor Dave try hard and resist dumping salt on Karl, tho Matt and Karl did it to each other after. then Matt and Karl gave us a demo of how to avoid someone in a resturant that's trying to get you.

on to the third day

we started off with a light guard pass and review of the ground game for the second day. thanks to Jay i have a bit more flexibility in my legs. but i did learn a thing or two from roling with him.

we then went onto some half guard passes and escapes, which i really enjoyed as it was mostly new to me. we learned the good old shoulder of justice.

after that we learned some stomp stuff. i personally felt like Vanderlei Silva with a hint of Sakuraba tossed in there.

after we got back we worked on some STAB stuff and then we wrapped up with Luis teaching us some of his harness drills with the gi.

i did get a chance to spar with Luis and i almost got him to tap but Rich came along so he could get a picture with Dave, Matt and Karl. so he got lucky there.

after the camp we went over to Rich's for a bit and spent time with him and his 2 lovely ladies and off to kelsey's again and finally we watched "Shaun of the dead" which was damn funny.

tho i would like to say thanks to Matt, Karl and Luis for putting on an awesome seminar. i would also like to give a big thanx to Rich for putting this all together. you're an awesome dude and i had a lot of fun.

so thank you very much Rich and the rest of your miscreants.

i look forward to seeing you all next time and even tho Matt chickened out on air hockey after much smack talk, i still think he's a great guy.

so i hope this is a good review and once again thanks to Rich and the rest of the crew. Rich is an awesome coach and an awesome person and so is his boss for allowing a bunch of rough and sweaty men into her house on such short notice

Great reading! :) Some funny stuff in there :)

HUGE TTT for Rich Beaupit. I know he lost his sleep a few times while trying to set this up but he's a hero to us all!!!

Just recovered from jet lag - and the beatings that I received from Matt whilst in the back of the car. I will never understand why Matt has such an aversion to honey nut loops and pigeons.

Dude, everybody needs to witness ISR Matrix (entering the cinema version). Luis, you rock.
Thanks for the neck cushion Luis........ hey and Matt, did you lose anything?

Mike Sweeney, I'm watching you bro.

The camp was excellent and everybody there contributed in their own unique way. The Canadians are cool - a bit like the British without the negative tinge.

Rich Beaupit is the greatest host I've ever had and looked after us from beginning to end and one of the most genuine people I've ever met. And his gym rocks.

"........ hey and Matt, did you lose anything?"

Must go check my luggage!

backpack, dude

and by the way, do i have one of your green towels?

Dude, what is missing from my backpack?

very un-cool.

It's all good.

Karl rulz!!!

hahaha go Karl go

well next time you come here Karl we'll take you out for some nice cooked pigeon and maybe some real beer too

it was great having you all here and even getting to see pimp daddy Jeff on sunday

Pimp Daddy Jeff showed up and somehow got sick as a dog :( sorry I wasn't my usual pip self.

Shaun of the dead would've been a blast. Oh well, only 5 more months and counting until the real Y2J returns and can train again (light drilling of course).

Neck cusion?!?!?!?!




You can take the Instructor out of Manchester, but you cannot take the Manchester out of the Instructor.

Manchester United rulz!!! 'nuff said.

"Dude, what is missing from my backpack? "

bro, just think of something that was never there!

"Neck cusion?!?!?!?!
Redcoat. "

i know, but the navy blue neck cushion kinda goes with the coat! and dude it is so comfortable.........

karl "redcoat" tanswell

speaking of redcoats

i was browsing the internet and i ran across this pic of Karl in his earlier days

sorry guys no html post for this

was the camp recorded?

Karls work sounds really interesting.

any plans to release it on dvd?
