Schaub Flips Truck, Gets Airbagged in Social Media Stunt

Awkward The Simpsons GIF

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Schaub’s wife probably cant stand him.


She’s found out countless of times of him cheating.

She probably cheats herself, she’s just a dumbwoman version of him anyway


Brandon is having a bad week.

He just lost a 2 year lawsuit to a broke ass YouTuber he tried to sue for copyright…YouTuber got help from an anonymous lawyer over email and represented himself.


Did Schaub have to pay out anything on that?

That our boy YeewNeek with the. Weird whiny voice.

I’m sure they have an arrangement. Brendan’s the type of dude who says only insecure men have a problem with their wife and mother of their children (allegedly) posting half naked pics of herself on the internet.

Holy shit what does that? To much Alcohol and Not doing cardio?


The only person to get fatter on Keto.


Fuck that retard


Does he smoke weed or drink too much? His eyes are half open sometimes…

“Bapa, lemme tell you. This Body is a Temble B. Im fuels by Cray Dumb, Niggodine pooches, and Tiger Thigg. The Neggdar of the gods Daddy. I dun need no devils spinach Bapa.”


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Cant wait for Rogan’s opinion on this stunt

He should give him another time to retire speech

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There are YouTubers creating consistent content on Schaub and Billy Mitchell related legal cases.