Screwed up "justice" system

"Then she shouldn't have been driving.  Plain and simple."   

"She should have used public transportation, found someone to drive her or taken a taxi." 

"If none was available - tough!" 

DUDE! Diesel, bro, I know you can't seriously think like that! So you're saying that if a loved one of yours was in the hospital, you'd sit around to catch the fucking BUS!!!

LOL @ that dude, you'd better tell your friends and family to take you off of their emergency contacts list!

"So, I guess that driving at excessive speeds on the interstate is considered less of an infraction than "allegedly" failing to stop at a stop sign on a street with ZERO traffic on it. "

many children are killed from people that don't stop at stop signs. Also, a lot of accidents occur when people fail to stop.

I have fought tickets in the past, in cases where the officer was wrong or lying about the facts, and all times the justice I have been facing as an adjudicator was a former cop. I haven't won a single one.

Recently, I have started hiring agencies owned by former COPS that specialize in beating traffic tickets. Every ticket I have dealt with this way has been resolved favorably.

In my most recent incident I got hit with doing 90 km/hr in a 40km/hr zone...would have been 3 points off my licence, concomittant 5 year increase in my insurance rates and over $200.00 in fines.

I paid this 'former cop' agency $200.00, got the fine reduced to $58.00, no points off my licence and no increase in insurance. I didn't even have to show up in court!

If this is an option where you live...check it out. A lot of the justices you face in traffic court are former cops, and if you hire one of 'their own' to represent you, it often pays off.

you can listen to everyone yelling FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT, but the fact of the matter is you ran a stop sign, you admitted it yourself, i would pay it and be done with it, otherwise you could sit in court all day(no a.c) miss work and end up paying it anyways.

In my county, you would lose, because failing to stop is a minor misdemeanor, meaning you have no right to a jury and you will simply be in front of a judge.

The judge will believe the officer's version over your version 99% of the time.

What you should do: Show up to Court and explain your version to the prosecutor, explain your great driving record, and ask if he'd be willing to make this a no point violation or a non moving violation. (Save you $ on insurance, save you the points on your driving record).

Be polite and respectful. The prosecutor probably doesn't want to go through a 15-20 minute hearing for this, so he/she may likely work with you.

There's a lot of high and mighty pricks hanging out today. To anyone who talks about wasting tax payer time and money for going to court on this--bite me. He has a right to contest it in court. Hear that, a RIGHT. This isn't Staligrad, dudes. Also, I've been a cop, and although most cops I knew were decent hardworking people, there are many that are a serious waste to tax dollars. When I was copping, and I was fishing for drunk drivers at night, which is what this sounds like, when ever my PC was slightly borderline, I would always give a warning only, when I found the driver not to be drunk. There are way too many chip-on-the-shoulder cops around who have a contempt for the general public that they are supposed to be "serving and protecting".

And sometimes, the cop doesn't show, and the ticket get's bounced.

^^^I've had that happen before!

What's the criteria on that anyway since we're on topic? Is it mandatory for a cop to show at court for the trial, or can you say as a cop fuck it and not show for court if you choose to on a certain case?


I wish you only the best and hope that a lot of good things come your way in the future. You deserve it.

I've been most successful in these situations by directly calling or having a lawyer call the officer and see if something can be worked out.

You might be best served by having a lawyer make the call, because the last thing you can say to the officer is that you did come to a complete stop (even if it is true). All it usually takes to get a ticket reduced or outright removed is a little ego stroking of the officer and some humble pie eating.

Right or wrong, it's a power game, and if you let them feel like they have the power they almost always give you a break. Remember the officer on ticket duty in the middle of the night is low on the totem pole and likely won't take well to someone telling them they are wrong.

After my ticket is reduced I always send the officer a signed copy of 102 minutes. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

I have found that changing the hearing date will almost always cause the officer to not show up, they don't want to miss work and the original dates and times are alway schedualed arount the officers schedual

"After my ticket is reduced I always send the officer a signed copy of 102 minutes."

smac1, what's your connection with 102 minutes?

Law Dog,

It's one of if not the best book about the immediate response to the crisis. One of the chapters features a good friend of mine who is a very prominent law enforcement officer. My apartment overlooks Ground Zero, and I use the WTC Path station around a dozen times a week, so I am constantly reminded of the event.

I have him sign it, and it is something that I think most if not all members of law enforcement would appreciate.

Sorry in re-reading my original post I see how it is confusing. I am not the one signing the book. I just think it is a great book that has specific appeal to anyone law enforcement, and I think having a member of law enforcement who is featured in the book makes it special and a more personal gift.

I had the same thing happen to me. It was two in the morning and not another car on the road and i am sure that i stopped for at least a second. I argued with the cop and got a ticket. I know that they look for any excuse to pull someone over because it may lead to an arrest for drunk driving or any number of things. In that sence they are just doing their job, but it infuriates me that food was taken off my childrens plates for something so petty.

"Suck it the fuck up. Crybaby."

Do you know what Adam has recently gone through? You are garbage.

There's a lot of high and mighty pricks hanging out today. To anyone who talks about wasting tax payer time and money for going to court on this--bite me. He has a right to contest it in court. Hear that, a RIGHT. This isn't Staligrad, dudes. Also, I've been a cop, and although most cops I knew were decent hardworking people, there are many that are a serious waste to tax dollars. When I was copping, and I was fishing for drunk drivers at night, which is what this sounds like, when ever my PC was slightly borderline, I would always give a warning only, when I found the driver not to be drunk. There are way too many chip-on-the-shoulder cops around who have a contempt for the general public that they are supposed to be "serving and protecting".

Agree 100%

i've been pulled over for "running a red light" at an intersection i drive through every day. the light had turned yellow as i entered the intersection. i'm 100% sure the light could not have switched to red while i was even in the intersection, but who's a judge going to believe?

you: "i didn't do it, sir"

officer shithead: "yes he did"

judge: "guilty"

first I am a deputy sheriff, second I don't know all the facts about what happened in your case but as for changing the court date, I doubt that will work because they have to put it on for the officers next court date unless they no longer work there then they will dismiss it. you will prob. spend more money in attorney fees then the ticket cause if someone only wants your money it is prob. them but they will and can get it reduced down or something to that affect. I'm not at all trying to say exactly what will happen based on what I've seen cause I am working in the courthouse right now(just got done). by the way court costs where I work are $110 and you will prob. get a fine, my 2 cents anyway!!

also for what its worth I to have had many run-ins with the law before becoming a deputy(only been for a year, since I got out of military) and yes it sucks but if you feel you were in the right then by all means fight the ticket bro!! sorry about your wife also, you are in my prayers. OZ

I did almost same thing but did stop, they stopped  me for a plate light out when i have two plate lights and you could read my plate.The state trooper said he couldnt read my plate.I had a old warrant for A&B that i cleared up he still arrested me when we got to the barracks he told me that he was sorry because i would have to pay 200 to get out.Ne4xt day the court clear it up but they took the money for Court cost.Ant that a Bitch out 200.

I would and have gone to court on traffic violations in the past.

It's definitely worth a shot, especially if the cop does not show up.

If the cop shows up and has taken notes on the citation, your screwed.

In regards to wasting tax payer dollars, I can not tell you how many times I have either arrested or stopped individuals who are on triple probation or quadrupple probation for "possession for sales of crack or weed. I have also stopped guys on probation for weapon charges, assaults, etc.

My point being, if these criminals are allowed the luxuries of going to court and getting charges reduced or dropped, a hardworking man has the same right to use the court system to get a ticket dropped...............