Sean Shelby new WEC Matchmaker

"There has been a shake-up in the WEC. Reed Harris and Scott Adams, who owned the promotion before selling it to Zuffa two years ago, and have worked negotiating the contracts and as matchmaker, respectively, are still with the company but no longer in those positions. Sean Shelby, who has been Joe Silva’s matchmaking assistant with UFC, will take over as WEC matchmaker. Silva was the overseer of the WEC matchmaking and will continue in that role. There were a number of things that happened, including not getting Mike Brown on television and built up before his match with Urijah Faber, the contract with Jake Rosholt that mandated his matches always appear on television and probably other things that led to the change. As a trivia note, Shelby is the person who put together the “Teenage Wasteland” music video that plays right before the PPV starts at the major UFC live events."



Sorry to hear it, the Rosholt contract and not getting Brown on TV were definite a f*ck ups.

Sean, did you book the Faber/Jens rematch?

WEC Matchmaking was great.  Hopefully the Urijah/Jens rematch is not a sign of things to come.

I agree. Big fan of the WEC. I'm rooting for you Sean so don't fuck this up.

Oh well..........I guess the WEC is going to SUCK DONKEY COCK as much as the UFC now.....

I like the UFC and the WEC. I guess you guys can watch Elite XC. LOL, oh wait...

Golden Boy - I like the UFC and the WEC. I guess you guys can watch Elite XC. LOL, oh wait...
Yeah I LOVE watching Cote and Dean Lister being considered top

what was wrong with the previous match maker? f*ck the jens/urijah rematch >:O

Scott and Reed did an amazing job and are solid people. Scott is a very astute matchmaker..I hope it's an upward move for them. They're good people.

Haulport - 
Golden Boy - I like the UFC and the WEC. I guess you guys can watch Elite XC. LOL, oh wait...
Yeah I LOVE watching Cote and Dean Lister being considered top

Enjoy watching UFC rejects headline some event that will be lucky to last a calander

 UFC 88: After the Weigh Ins

promotercp - Scott and Reed did an amazing job and are solid people. Scott is a very astute matchmaker..I hope it's an upward move for them. They're good people.
Respectful words from a guy who knows them well.


Sean is a great guy. Can't wait to see the matchups...

I just got word from one of my many sources that Sean Shelby did not book the Farber/Pulver match. I'll be honest. I'm not too excited about it but come fight time I'm sure I'll be tuning in.

 I'll watch too obviously, and WEC is afforded a few pointless matches for all the great ones they've been doing.  I hope Sean Shelby continues in the way Reed and Scott were doing things, because it was 99% good.

Golden Boy - I just got word from one of my many sources that Sean Shelby did not book the Farber/Pulver match. I'll be honest. I'm not too excited about it but come fight time I'm sure I'll be tuning in.

You needed that confirmed from a source?

Faber vs Pulver 2 screams pointless rematch which has become UFC's forte. WEC had some of the best matchmaking in MMA since Zuffa took over. I do agree that there was some bad mistakes made with regards to TV slots though.

 Big shoes to fill here. Scott Adams was a very low-key but astute and  knowledgable matchmaker. Together he and Reed Harris really set a precedent as far as caring for fighters and creating excitement in MMA.

EckY - 
Golden Boy - I just got word from one of my many sources that Sean Shelby did not book the Farber/Pulver match. I'll be honest. I'm not too excited about it but come fight time I'm sure I'll be tuning in.

You needed that confirmed from a source?

Faber vs Pulver 2 screams pointless rematch which has become UFC's forte. WEC had some of the best matchmaking in MMA since Zuffa took over. I do agree that there was some bad mistakes made with regards to TV slots though.

Well, I just like to throw around the fact I have sources. I'm kinda a big deal online here.

Tom, read my post. This match was not booked by Sean. I'm not a big fan of change but I'll give Sean chance. He's old school.