Hey guys
I'm opening up a gym in Seattle. Originally it was a 3 person partnership for boxing, kickboxing, and BJJ. However, the BJJ black belt ended up deciding it wasn't the right time in his life for this venture so we ended up doing a 2 person partnership and hiring out for BJJ instruction. We have now gone through two potentials that were interested in developing the program but both ended up backing out for one reason or another.
The gym is opening soon and we still haven't found some one to make a solid commitment. At this point, I would even be willing to import some one. The gym is really big and has 2 lofts - one of which is being rented out to our kickboxing guy who just moved to Seattle. The other we were going to rent out to a message therapist or something but now we're thinking we may as well see if there's any BJJ instructors out there that want to move to Seattle.
We're flexible about the program at this point. Originally, the guy we had was going to relocate his existing practice to our facility and further develop it both competitively and non-competitively. However, we're open to anything, gi or no gi, low key or competitive. The future of our gym's BJJ program will depend entirely on who we find to run it and how far he or she is interested in taking it.
If anybody has any local recommendations, please respond!
Alternatively, if any of you are interested in the opportunity to move to Seattle and develop your own practice, we do have a 400sqft loft available and would consider renting it out to the right candidate in exchange for your services (you'd get paid for any services that go beyond the value of rent.)