self-defense tools

I'm researching for a report for school, and I need to know how well self-defense "tools" work. Please post about any personal experiences you or anyone you know have had with items like pepper spray, guns, keys between the fingers, etc.

Try the weapons forum, this will drop quickly here.


no need for weapons when you can use the famousĀ "double Choke"... But Moe was good with the "finger" weapon......

Wepons forum


For one properly trained, the weapons and his fighting style are one. Pepper spray, impact weapon, knife etc are just tools, like a rear naked choke, hair pull takedown, strike, etc. It is the ability to use the right tool at the right time and transition up and down levels of force as the situation dictates that results in effective control with the minimum injuries on the person you are controlling.

Cops on proactive squads like gang and drug enforcement or SWAT are placed in situations where physical confrontations occur most frequently. They would be a great resource and most departments have "use of force" instructors who keep track of the statistics you are looking for. One thing to keep in mind is that more important than the tool you are using are the tactics that you are using with it.

"Example", One officer does not telegraph he is about to use the spray on the charging attacker and after spraying, he steps off line, out of the way of the attackers forward momentum. Had he telegraphed it and then not stepped off line, the attacker could have put his forearm over his face and still attacked the officer. So I ask, is the tool effective, it succeeded in once scenario and failed in the other, same tool. IT'S THE TACTICS THAT DETERMINE HOW SUCCESSFUL A PARTICULAR SYSTEM WILL BE. A lot of the basic tactics apply to all fighting and weapons systems.

Sorry for the long post, it is a subject I am a "little" familiar with;) (SP)

Pepper spray.

I'm waiting for bus 56 and I noticed a drunk dude messing with a group of women. The women all had like 3 babies each and didn't speak a word of english, but they understood the bum was crazy. The women took shelter in a restaurant. I thought to myself, "Whewww, good thing that's over with." Yeah right! The dude walked up to me reaking of booze and shit and said, "Gimme your money, you yuppie piece of shit!" I replied, "Get the fuck out of my face!" Usually, if you're really mean to bums they'll back off... They don't have balls, that's partly why they're bums. So, he starts to get all up in my face, waving his arms around, and shouting, "What the fuck you gonna do! Bring it on bitch! Come on you..." Before he could even finish his last sentence I started spraying. At first the oc just sputtered out, which kinda worried me, because I didn't want touch this dirty, stankin, nasty ass bum. Finally, it started going full force, I got him good in the face, and stopped... It didn't phase him... He was so drunk he didn't feel shit and he started saying, "What's that supposed to do?!?! You think that's gonna..." Again, before he could finish his sentence I sprayed him again. He still wasn't phased! He said, "I'ma 'Hell's Angel'! I'ma KKK! I'ma..." Again, before he could finish his last sentence I started spraying again. This time, I knew he was phased, because his eyeballs were swelled shut to the size of baseballs and his face was red and swollen. He attempted to talk shit once again, "I don't feel shit! What's that gonna..." Before he finished his sentence he started screaming, "I can't see! What the hell is happening? Hey, Hey! I can't see!" He started stumbling away and bus 56 pulled up. I hopped on and the women left the restaurant to get on the bus. That's it.

My advice when using oc: Keep in mind, LOGISTICS is the mantra. Amateurs focus on technique, pros focus on logistics.

1) Don't broadcast you're going to use it.

2) Never, ever, ever, ever use it indoors, on a train, plane, bus, etc...

3) Don't stop spraying until the can is gone, or the person starts blocking, or if you think you may need to use it again before you can take safety.

4) Don't spray into the wind. Again, logistics is the mantra.

5) Don't spray into your path of retreat and leave the most elusive path of retreat open. Again, logistics is the mantra.

6) Don't use "mace," but instead use oc (pepper spray). Mace is just an irritant, but oc is an irritant and an inflamitory. If the person you're spraying is drunk or on drugs, they won't feel the pain, but their eyes will swell shut and their lungs will be all fucked up. Example above.

7) That's all I can think of right now.

Sabre puts out a spray that is both Pepper Spray (oleoresin Capsicum) and Mace (tear gas, CS). If one doesn't get you the other will. It is great stuff. Once you have made target with the forehead, 3 seconds is what is recommended. They say you need to be careful of the hypodermic needle effect if spraying up close and personal.

In grappling situations, spraying it on your hand and wiping it in appropriate areas is effective, again (tactics)..... I also wouldn't empty the can because the guy may have friends who need the same treatment. Don't forget spray is just one of many non-lethal self defense options...