Seminar on Top And Double Wristlocks 2/14

I am hosting another day of Catch-as-Catch-can Wrestling technique and wrestling matches. The seminar portion will be 2 hours then after a lunch break we will referee matches for anyone wanting to get out there and wrestle!

I will be teaching the finer points of some of the bread and butter holds of Catch Wrestling: the Top and Double Wristlock (Or Americana and Kimura for BJJ folks). Everyone learns these holds early in nearly all submission wrestling styles but I can promise you that I will change the way you think and use these holds after this workshop

Afterwards we will running basic Catch Wrestling matches (Sub or pin only). We will pair up folks who want to want to get on the mats and compete in the Catch Wrestling style.

When: Saturday, February 14th

The seminar starts at 11am to 1pm.
Catch Wrestling starts at 2pm until finished

Location: CSW Headquarters 4080 N. Palm Ave Fullerton CA 98235

Cost: $50 ($40 to CSW students) cash or credit

-T-shirts, Technique DVDS, and other merch will be availible.
-Wrestling shoes are not required but suggested
-No filming but please bring a notebook

Catch Wrestling Workshop on Top and Double Wristlocks

