Most of the time judges do their jobs well.
For the very first time I personally have to wonder about result of this particular and recent fight:
Overeem vs. Vitor Belfort II
I just watched the fight and here is a quick summary:
Round 1:
fight starts with both fighters trading a bit standing up, nothing decent really lands
Overeem wants to clinch and try his knees
Vitor counters by trapping Overeems leg when he throws a high knee and goes for a BIG SLAM
Vitor with high altitude slam straight to side mount
Vitor working teh side moutn while Overeem defends
Overeem gets to all 4, Vitor sprawling on top of him
overeem tries to escape, Vitor spins and gets back mount.
Vitor going for choke but Overeem defends. Vitor then goes for punches from back mount.
Overeem is forced to do something quick and he turns and gives Vitor full mount
Vitor with full mount starts to pound Overeem.
Overeem is actively moving and defending pretty well whjile taking some good shots from Vitor.
Overeem escapes to full guard.
Some stalling and ref stands them up
Little bit of trading standing up the Vitor slips but gets full guard.
Overeem stalls, Vitor stalls, ref stands them up
End of round
Round 1: Vitor very clearly.
stand up striking: draw
ground striking: vitor
takedowns: vitor
ground positions: vitor
submissions: vitor (well the only real attempt there was)
Round 2:
Short exhange stading up. Nothing both miss.
Vitor takes overeem down with double leg
Overeem staals a bit but Vitor gets up
Vitor imitates sakuraba and kicks downed overeem few times
Well clearly Vitor is not Sakuraba as it is not working and Overeem gets up
Over connects with a single punch
Low knee by Overeem
Vitor gets time to recover
Figters trade standing up
Well camera angle got ¤#""#!" but fighters clinch again
Overeem overpowers Vitor and takes him down from clinch.
Vitor tries butterfly guard, OVereem tries GnP, both fail
both stall
ref stands them up, Vitor aggressive on stand up, nice work from Vitor but overeem connects with a nice knee
Vitor goes down but gets guard and then switches to buttefly guard again
Vitor SWEEPS Overeem and gets top position
Vitor goes for GnP but Overeem staalls
ref stand them up
staight to clinch but Vitor dow not want to fight from clinch avoiding overeem knees
Vitor backs up and connects with a nice punch
Vitor with a stupid high kick (wtf was that Vitor?)
Overeem goes for his own. Well they both miss by a mile.
Overeem clinch but then backs up and gets Vitor with nice punch.
Well Vitor responds with his own and connects.
Nice knee by overeem, Vitor goes down but it seems it is more due to Vitor wanting to avoind the clinch and fight on the ground.
Vitor gets guard and both try something. It does not work and both stall.
Stand up.
Clinch and Vitor immeditely tryes belly to belly suplex. Well it is kind of awful and does not work at all, Overeem gets top position.
Vitor goes for buttefly guard again but Overeem stalls again.
Stand up.
both fighter trade punches but pace is kind of slow.
well they trade but nothing real connects, seems like fight is heading to clinch position but NO Vitor decides to sit as soon as it is about to hit the clinch.
LOL that was stupid. Overeem hits Vitor with Sakuraba style single mongolian chop to face (or whatever it is called...)
dunno whatever happened but they ground fight, ref stops them and then camera man ¤""#¤"#¤ up and all of sudden it is on again but Vitor now has top position.
vitor is trying to GnP Overeem, it does not work Vitor stands up for a pass but time runs out.
Round 2: well it was a clear draw. Vitor got the better on the ground and takedowns were a draw while overeem did somewhat frustrate Vitor with his knees.
Conclusion: Vitor won clearly
Official score: Overeem won. WTF??!?!?! WHY!?!?!?
Please someone explain this to me how Overeem won.