Shameful Freakshow..

Takada's speach, Homegirl's voice, Coleman's kids..

What the fuck.

The chick doing the intro's is the worst!


You do know there're critics in Japan about their TV right?

Actually, love Pride, in Japan.. But bring that wacky shit over here and.. Yeah. It's culture shock.

I cannot believe they would actually try and sell it that way here..

Wow, someone who doesn't speak english as a first language!? Impossible I say! Must be a freak...

Coleman's kids crying in the ring hugging their beaten daddy, get the fuck outta here.

Frankly, that kind of shit will get mma banned here. Period.

"Culture Shock for sure. The event was a well scripted show, capped off with intense drama. Perfect for an American audience."

Yeah that's great !

If you're a pro-wrestling fan...

Fantastic show. Only one decision. No fighters holding up xyience cans, no Saw 3 commercials, 3 former UFC champs, the best fighter in the world, the top 3 middleweight and heavyweight fighters (Barnett, Shogun), 7 fights instead of 5, huge production. Outstanding. The break was fine, 20 minutes in the middle of a 4 hour run. Everything was good except that bonehead they added in the booth. Great show.

"Culture Shock for sure. The event was a well scripted show, capped off with intense drama. Perfect for an American audience."

Hhahahahah. Man you are the best.

Coleman's kids crying in the ring hugging their beaten daddy, get the fuck outta here.

Frankly, that kind of shit will get mma banned here. Period.


Great show!!! nuff said

Good show kind of wierd but i liked it..

It was uncomfortable to watch. As much as I like Pride, that type of show wont do well here.

Pride has the best fighters in the world, and the best production for Japan..


the whole kid tie in was just way ove hte fucking top. You got Trigg trying to sell this as a family event, than you got Coleman dragging his sobbing kids in the ring and when they look at his face they sob even louder...This shit isnt for kids, and they should really stop trying to market it like it is

everything that's different from "our white bread" has a disgraceful taste


what coleman did their is something amazing.

you guys 100% dont understand his life. or even 1% of it. Coleman showed the whole world . the fans in the usa, what it is all about. that this is a sport. a brutal 1 yes. but a sport.

everybody who is profesionally in this sport and has kids, understands that so well. this is not something like santaclaus.

what do you think when marc comes home from a fight his face is all banged up. what shall he tell shis daughters? a lie? ofcourse not.

this way his daughters understand what he goes through to put food on the table for his family.

i know how rough marc his life has been for the last couple of years and i have unbelivble amount of respect for marc.

when you and me turn of the tv then that is just it. for marc and his family it aint. it continues. those daughters have to see marc his bruised face everyday.

we dont.

and i think what marc did was great education for the audiance in general.


The girls immediately calmed down when they were introduced to Fedor. It took someone who may have been a monster in their eyes, and made him Human.

Coleman demonstrated to his children that it was just a Sport, nothing personal, and that he was going to be OK. Also that Fedor was a good guy, and not out to harm him outside of the contest.

Thinking that will get MMA banned? The hell kind of bullshit propaganda is that?

"Most people have kids. It is not an accomplishment.

It's like bragging about having a belly-button."


Anyone else notice one of Coleman's daughters mad dogging Fedor? She looked like she wanted to punch him in the fucking nose.

Hell, I remember after seeing Rocky IV as a teen I wanted to punch everybody for the next 24 hours. MMA is GREEEEEEEAAAAAATTTT, it is a sport, but yeah, a R Rated one. Kids are NOT little adults, they are ... kids.

But IMO what made last night a freakshow was the Butterbean bout. BLaaarrgghh. As a 5th bout? AFTER a fight with guys of the caliber of Henderson & Belfort??? WTF???