At first I thought Frank Mir Vs. Junior Dos Santos would be the interim title fight to replace Cain Vs. JDS, but now that Carwin is said to be ready to come back, naturally I think Shane Carwin Vs. Junior Dos Santos is a severely better matchup.
How do you see this going? I think Junior would KO Shane but Shane is definitely capable of hurting Junior.
Shane all day every day
All aboard the Shane Trane!!
God I hope they put this fight together.
JDS too fast for him.
JDS makes this KO look easy.
Bad fight for Carwin, but he always surprises us.
Carwin would win
Having never seen JDS's ground game, I guess I have to assume it's crap. Carwin would either win a shoot out on the feet or take it to the ground and go all meat tenderizer on Junior's face.
Monsters Ball Big country is a bad mofo he would beat carwin and brock that being said Jr. Dos will bloody up Carwin by using his footwork and than get the tko late 2nd round
After seeing JDS unable to stop Big Country I would put it on Shane!!!
What about Roy vs Shane?
would be a good test of his wrestling, jds could pull it off
Monsters Ball - I think Shane would bloody up Junior early and then knock him out. Shane is like a pit bull with sledge hammers. If he manages his aggression he will stop Junior. Junior couldn't even stop Big Country. I don't think he will be able to deal with Shane's power.SN bet?
If it's for an interim title I think Mir would be the logical choice. If it's a contender match up I think Carwin would be the better choice. Unless you can get Brock back into the action somewhere.
Elvis - If it's for an interim title I think Mir would be the logical choice. If it's a contender match up I think Carwin would be the better choice. Unless you can get Brock back into the action somewhere.LOFL @ Mir sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-it Elvis you're on tonight govna!
Lol@ jds's ground game being "crap" blackhouse anyone?
They need to make this fight! Forget Mir, and the rest, do JDS vs Carwin NOW