Shannon Ritch- 2024 year of The Cannon (Killed a Guy)

He will Now Be
King Of the Cage


Cracking Up Lol GIF


Un FACKIN real…

This earned the Cannon a shot at the BMF title.




Shit is all over the news 5 Days later .


He’s a legend.




The Cannon is the most decorated mixed martial artist of all time.


I dunno . . . Mr International!



He came to the ASU wrestling MMA night dual a couple years ago. Guys like Dan Severn, Don Frye, Aaron Simpson, Ryan Bader, Bubba Jenkins and even Henry Cejudo was there. Shannon had this giant championship belt and 2 smaller ones and was running around acting like he was just as important as these guys. My wife was like, who is that guy? He also didn’t wrestle, much less at ASU or as far as I know didn’t attend ASU ever. It was just really weird to see.


Love UG/OG personal stories of training with people or meeting fighters etc.


From: barnoneguerra
Date: 01/17/07 01:57 AM
Member Since: 01/01/2001
8766 Total Posts Ignore User

Carluci was the same guy who claimed Shannon Ritch took from him. Shannon told me all along he was not a good guy.


"The Fighters are UFC hall of famer Dan “The Beast” Severn and his trusted Work partner Shannon “The Cannon” Ritch from here on known simply as “Monkey Boy” Or should I call him Shannon Roach because of his moral high road on Medical Marijuana? Whatever life is to short to bother with Knuckleheads like Monkey Boy honored member of the North American Work Squad (N.A.W.S.) for short. I dismiss you Monkey Boy go eat a banana and color your hair, beard and goatee.

Dan “The Beast” Severn is a completely different story, I respect Dan for what he has done in his distinguished MMA career but… The last few years have been nothing but a series of Lets make it look good Works where Dan throws his opponent around, classic WWE ring/cage banter then Dan at the knick of time pulls out the ever evasive key lock and boom! The Beast is magically restored to the MMA hall of fame for all the MMA fans to gawk and stare at with immense MMA admiration!

Well all things eventually come to an end and when the great MMA realists of the world see the Severn vs Monkey Boy Work Spectacular @ Extreme Wars X-1 the facts will speak for themselves, weather you think I am ugly or a sic freak which we all know I am!

The Promoters from Extreme Wars X-1 gave Dan Severn and Shannon Roach every chance to come clean and admit their lack of judgment and the Work they attempted to pass off as a real MMA contest billed as a SUPERFIGHT.

Severn and Roach are steadfast in their claims much like a pair of thieves who got caught red handed, this time by a very skilled team of cameramen capturing Extreme Wars X-1 and a Sick, pot head, gothic, ring announcer who cares about MMA and it’s future as a legitimate sport for now and the future.

Extreme Wars X-1 will be broadcasting the Severn vs. Roach master work on
The leading MMA news sight anywhere in the world. Details to follow very soon.:


Remember - “Year of the Cannon”?


Smart move Ken. It takes guts to do what’s right.

XXXXXX has recently become home to several ethically challenged fight promoters. Some come with serious criminal backgrounds. Contrary to the spin put forth by their front-men, these wannabe mobsters, accused swindlers and convicted felons have no place promoting what are supposed to be legitimate sporting contests. Already their shows have featured worked (fixed, faked) fights. Already they have used the audience as a source of fighters, going so far as to take people from the stands to fill in for last minute fighter no-shows. Already they have sold tickets for big name fights that mysteriously never took place. They have even employed the most notorious worked-fighter as a part of their official event staff. The list of improprieties goes on and on.

What message does this send to the fans? This sport barely survived the blood-sport/spectacle era and now we are faced with an influx of grifters looking for new marks. Must we go the way of boxing? Why do so many upcoming fighters, trainers, managers, announcers and others who should know better continue to support these events?

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Ya, that is why I put it in the title

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Didn’t barnoneguerra get caught stiffing a bunch of people on a show he promoted? I remember him saying he was indicted into some hall of fame and running around in Myanmar with a bunch of championship belts posing like he was a badass fighter.


Fight was over in the 1st Round.