check it!!!
ODDS: <- odds and props for Sharkfights friday and Bellator 36 saturday
also.... I'm Old school Don Frye fan .
I might not even watch now that IRVIN V HOUSTON is out of the picture.
This will be the death of Shark Fights! Like how Barnett killed Affliction....
HD net is quite possibly the best channel in existence.
JoshSanchez - HD net is quite possibly the best channel in existence.![]()
By FAR the best MMA channel on TV.
Fuck Time warner!!!!
Fuck Cox Cable!!!!
hdnet is a great channel, its nice they have so many mma events, i hope we can see more stirkeforce prelims on there
Definitly a huge step down from their last show. Still a good card though.
Agree about keeping Frye. He's such an entertaining dude if nothing else. He doesn't allow for a broadcast to get stale.
I think this is going to kill their ratings big time!
ttt for Don "The Predator" Frye!
ya I'm glad uverse has hdnet- but bummed I don't get substations like universal sports to get the rugby sevens tourneys... just gotta wait for it to be on NBC :(
Frye should just have his own show lol <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>
Looking forward to the LaRosa/Damm fight.
For primed classic Don tune in to Don Fryedays on radio 12-2+est.
Fuck Cablevision!