Shawn Bias in coma

From Sherdog:

Former Palace Fighting Championship featherweight titleholder Shawn Bias (Pictures) has been given a 30-percent chance of surviving by doctors at Oroville General Hospital in Bias' hometown about 70 miles north of Sacramento, Calif.

The 22-year-old fighter suffered an apparent heart attack late Saturday night -- just two days after losing his PFC title to Art Arciniega (Pictures) -- and later lapsed into a coma around 1 a.m. Sunday morning. After being admitted to the hospital, Bias was also diagnosed with complete kidney failure and has since been placed on dialysis.

George Adkins (Pictures), a training partner and close friend of Bias, informed of the situation, noting that Bias did not take very much damage in an unregulated fight Thursday night at the Tachi Palace in Lemoore, Calif.

Adkins also acknowledged that Bias, whom doctors diagnosed as having strep throat on Monday, refused to pull out of the scheduled bout despite suffering from pneumonia and an infected tooth.

"It is all speculation at this point," said a solemn Adkins, "but Shawn's family and friends just want the people in the MMA community to know what is going on and to ask for their prayers."

Adkins also stated that due to Bias' critical state, the fighter has not been moved to a more advanced medical facility in Chico, Calif.

"At this point it is in Shawn and God's hands," Adkins said.

That's so sad. He's in my prayers.

Damn...always enjoy watching him fight. I hope for the best.

Damn :(


wow...prayers sent

Best wishes Shawn. You can pull through!

He didnt look right in that fight.  Said he had a tooth infection. 

oh fack. Did he have a pre-existing condition or was the heart attack a result of injuries sustained during his fight?

We do not have a full account of what transpired. At this point we judt ask that you keep him in your prayers.

Shawn is one of the nicest people i have ever had the trained with or met and he is a tough kid and i know he will pull thru this.

Shawn you can beat this !!!!


May he pull through this.

I just received an e-mail from that stated Shawn was Tasered and beaten by local police for knocking on the wrong door and that was why he was in a coma? WTF is this not true?

My prayers go out to Shawn and his family. I know Shawn from him fighting in KOTC events.

ttt for recovery

hes in my prayers..

TTT very sad

Prayers for him and his family.  

Sad news, hope he comes through.

I hope he pulls through... :(

I just posted this on another thread here on this and thought I would post it here as well. This is a post from another website from someone who apparently knows him. ....Prayers sent for Shawn and his family.

"one thing most of you dont know and failed to mention is how the oroville police department is responsible for this mess. late that night shawn was brutally assulted and shot with a number of taser guns 5-8 times. which is the leading cause of the heart attack. just thought the fans should a close family member and have been with him at the hospital all day along with a numerous amount of family and friends. we thank you for your thoughs and prayers. and we will get justice for what these 5 inconsiderate cops did to our poobear. shawn is a fun, loving person and did not deserve this."