She Cleans Up Nicely (Pics)

Fenix - are all the mods asleep? These hater threads need to go.

 sorry but as a fighter i respect her but sorry that is one ugly woman in my opinion......I am sure she is  sweet person but I have the right to my opinion.......that is not fighter bashing......mister internet white knight.....

Hillary - If the women got on here and on every thread concerning a male fighter and critiqued his looks we'd be flamed, called mma groupie whores instead of real fans, and shunned.

This is fucking ridiculous.

As a man, I too am ashamed and disgusted as well that a fighter like Cyborg who had paid her way to the top with blood and sweat has to endure the snide remarks from the MMA retards and meatheads.

I love the combat and combatants, the fans I can definitely do without.

sharp1 - 

Fake -

 Why am I posting for anopther blue?

forget it

sharp1 - 
JT42382 -  LOL @ guys thinkin' Cyborg is hot.  It's obvious ya'll ain't getting any.

 cyborg has what they call rugged good looks

it takes a real man to appreciate that

you wouldn't understand 


Hillary - If the women got on here and on every thread concerning a male fighter and critiqued his looks we'd be flamed, called mma groupie whores instead of real fans, and shunned.

This is fucking ridiculous.

Male fighters get made fun of for their looks all the time here.

Ask Sam Hogar.

Hillary - If the women got on here and on every thread concerning a male fighter and critiqued his looks we'd be flamed, called mma groupie whores instead of real fans, and shunned.

This is fucking ridiculous.

 We could start a new trend....

How about those Vale Tudo shorts?

Hillary - If the women got on here and on every thread concerning a male fighter and critiqued his looks we'd be flamed, called mma groupie whores instead of real fans, and shunned.

This is fucking ridiculous.

I think you're quite hot. Discuss.

BeingPrettyWasNotEnuff - 
Hillary - If the women got on here and on every thread concerning a male fighter and critiqued his looks we'd be flamed, called mma groupie whores instead of real fans, and shunned.

This is fucking ridiculous.

 We could start a new trend....

How about those Vale Tudo shorts?

TF? pics?

I think what some of the kids here don't realize is that mature men find power and accomplishment sexy too.

The kind of determination and fortitude it takes to do the things Cyborg have done make her very sexy to me. Gina is hotter than hell, but there's no comparison in my mind when it comes to the things I like in women.

I'm into healthy women who take care of themselves too. That's another reason i find her hot.

There are millions of reasons to find someone sexy, but until you're past that age (think eddie murphie talking about 18 year olds looking stupid because they're just excited to be fucking) that you don't give a shit about depth you won't see why some people find her hot

 as heterosexuals, we want all females to be hot

damion -  Why am I posting for anopther blue?

^ Good pshop

Can you post more pics of her in casual clothes please?

Some of the responses to Hilary's post are hilarious. Enjoy your eternal friend zone.


 omg! they photoshopped boobs onto her! you gotta be kidding me, she normally has pecks that are ripped with veins, no way these picks arnt doctored

Hillary - If the women got on here and on every thread concerning a male fighter and critiqued his looks we'd be flamed, called mma groupie whores instead of real fans, and shunned.

This is fucking ridiculous.

 Split tail says what?

i agree with original poster...not a stunner in my books but she cleans up nice

John Leguizamo makes a decent chick (nohomo)

I admire her dedication and athleticism, but she is harsh.