Sherk Forever After ...

SHERK is concerned that he no longer strikes fear in the hearts of the villagers and decides to recapture his fearsome reputation with the help of Rumplestiltskin, but he is betrayed and ends up in a parallel universe where things get ....

 I heard he was playing a T-Rex in the upcoming Jurassic Park.

This is literally the worst thread ever. Congrats! Phone Post

I heard he's still bitter over testing positive for fairydust.

Kostakio - This is literally the worst thread ever. Congrats! Phone Post

^ Phone Post

Kostakio - This is literally the worst thread ever. Congrats! Phone Post

I have seen some pretty bad NPD threads, Particularly those before and during Fedor's fall. Phone Post

Whatever happened to Sherk, is his career done?

He fought for the title and had his shot at the top contenders and so is kind of played out in his UFC division..... and can't move down in weight , he's too big. Then again, if Tyson Grifin can move down can Sherk?

The original thread quote is the cable info on Shrek Forever After movie I just ran across and it seems to parallel SEAN SHERK'S current predicament. He doesn't strike fear in his opponents like he once did .

ah yeah, now I remember, B J PENN taught him about reach in their fight I think

Is Sherk going to try and drop a division? Can he ?