Shogun training for Vera

var so = new SWFObject("", "postVideo-39986589-Flash", "425", "355", "9.0.28", "##000"); so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "samedomain"); so.addParam("allowNetworking", "internal"); so.addParam("wmode", "transparent"); so.write("postVideo-39986589");  

Sub for later. Phone Post

 In before crybaby Canadians

Thought you where gonna post a vid where Shoguns face was superimposed to a dude banging some cymbals.

Still great vid. Phone Post

 Shogun's training partner looks like a great partner to mimic Vera both in size/reach as well as that Rob Kaman type of kickboxing. Would like to see who Vera has mimicking Shogun to compare.

Regardless, I think we all know who is winning this fight.

D241 -  Shogun's training partner looks like a great partner to mimic Vera both in size/reach as well as that Rob Kaman type of kickboxing. Would like to see who Vera has mimicking Shogun to compare.

Regardless, I think we all know who is winning this fight.

I thought this would be a video of Shogun sitting on the couch eating Doritos. He has this one in the bag.

I hope Shogun keeps up the training and comes in looking like a beast. WAR SHOGUN!!!!!!!!!! Phone Post

In 4 later Phone Post

 While you can mimic Vera Thai Style you cant mimic Shoguns. Shogun comes to every fight different. Just look at both his fights with Machida. He is however the most deadliest when he uses his kicks which he failed to do against Hendo. I think Vera is in for hell because it looks like Shogun is resharpening his weapons and coming to kill

Shogun should be training in an area with less people to reduce the possibility of collision like Dominick. Phone Post

Is that Glaube Feitosa training Shogun?

Subd Phone Post

Sudo, I thought the same- looks just like him and makes sense for the Vera fight. Phone Post

Shogun's kicks are SO fuckin nasty Phone Post

In for later. Phone Post

Man I hope he can break Veras leg wth those kicks Phone Post

D241 -  Shogun's training partner looks like a great partner to mimic Vera both in size/reach as well as that Rob Kaman type of kickboxing. Would like to see who Vera has mimicking Shogun to compare.

Regardless, I think we all know who is winning this fight.

Man, that's the first thing I thought.  Somebody further down made a point it's tough to mimic Shogun, and I think that's truth.