Shortest heavyweight champ in history had really hard right hand

not really

there have been lots of heavyweight champs who were not fast
from normal champs like oliver mccall, frank bruno, tim witherspoon etc

to legends like
foreman, james j jefferies, joe louis,rocky…etc etc etc

speed is great but timing beats speed


what was his weight, edited he was 170 ish Pretty impressive

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yeah he was a beast thats for sure

That’s not a good list, these guys are outliers and barely goats. Foreman is one of the goats thanks to his chin not his timing

outliers and barely goats???

did you read the list

joe louis is much more of a goat then foreman will ever be…
and jefferies and rocky are not lower then foreman on many lists

ps if speed was as important as you think it is
patterson would be a goat heavyweight

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his top 10 heavyweights