Should Jones be cut?

I hate the term move the needle but I don’t feel as if Jones moves the needle enough to the point where the ufc needs him. Why not cut a guy who only brings negativity to the sport. If not under the ufc banner, Jones would fall into obscurity. Even being undefeated, not many are campaigning to see Jones fight.


Id say let the facts come out first.


Jones is still popular, still is a must watch for any fan. Still will sell 600k+ on his return maybe even 800k-1 million with good opponent.

Why cut him? He’s the greatest ever. You can’t deny that anymore.


Who cares if he got arrested, they need to just let him be a heel.


Let him play the bad guy.

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Jon has asked to be released multiple times, he’d love to be cut. He’d get a huge deal from someone else if he was cut. So no, the UFC shouldn’t cut him.


Jones won’t ever take on the role of being a heel because in his mind he’s a good person



They are Pot committed

Made numerous excuses for him
Changed PED rules
Move events
Allowed his constant cheating in ring and out of the ring
Used their legal muscle to get him out of many many legal situations

Pot Committed



Nope. This is the fight business. Being nice or a good person is not a prerequisite for being in the UFC

He’s not out here doing what Paul Daley did to Koscheck. That is what gets you cut lol

As for moving the needle, I personally don’t care. I’ve only missed one JBJ fight live and of course it was the first Alex fight haha just my luck. When Jones fights I watch and he’s the GOAT whether we all hate him or not and clearly the ufc is where he belongs


I’d start by taking his guns away first. The dude is obviously fucking stupid.

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No one cares.

I did see a funny meme on insta…it was two different Dana quotes, one being the recent stuff about Jon Jones, his demons, how you can’t even bring him to Vegas anymore…then there was something about Conor acting up, and it’s just “this is the fight business.”

It is kinda funny when you look at how Dana reacts to the two of them. Jon gets arrested for a misdemeanor, and Dana acts like it’s par for the course with Jon, he’s got demons, he can’t behave for 12 hours in Las Vegas. Conor gets arrested for RAPE, and the only comment Dana ever makes about it is “I can’t really comment until I know all the facts.” or something like that.

I enjoy watching both guys fight, will buy the PPV regardless of how shitty they are as people, but I do find it funny that one guy is arrested for a misdemeanor that the average person would pay a fine for, and Dana shits all over him…and the other is arrested for crimes that would get him YEARS in jail and does stupid shit like try to fight musicians at the MTV awards, and has the full support of the UFC regardless of what he does. It’s interesting.

one of his charges is a felony

Not saying it will stick

You sure? I just looked at 3 different websites looking for info on the arrest and not one said a felony. Did that change from when it was first reported? Very possible I don’t have the latest info. Link?

Somebody posted a link showing that the head butting cop car can be a felony in Nevada.
I haven’t looked into it further than that link so you may be correct.

I don’t know or care about the legal but I do believe it is possibly more than a simple misdemeanor.

Likely a moot point because his legal team will get him off with a slap on the wrist and a 12 hour stay in rehab.

Lol I love the attempt to minimize domestic violence. Like don’t get me wrong I don’t care what an athlete does. I would still want to see the top athlete compete even after committing rape/murder/robbery.

But lol @ it’s just domestic violence… no big deal… that’s like stealing a loaf of bread right Rickmassmma? lol

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I’m not minimizing anything. I haven’t read any description of what actually happened, other than hearing dude headbutted a cop car after being arrested for domestic violence, and that the charges were misdemeanors. I just find it odd that one guy gets arrested for reported misdemeanors and Dana comments publicly talking about how it’s not surprising anymore, the guy has demons etc…but when someone else gets arrested for a crime that carries a much stiffer legal penalty, there’s no comment.