Should UFC have a no-commentary option?

Just turn the volume off and loop this 1000 times .

ChaosOverkill - 
JohnnyChrist - 

For what it's worth, the online UFC stream could easily implement it and I don't see why not.

Because the Berg and Rogan are part ofthe UFC product brough, if the Berg isn't reaching max ears with the Corn Nuts plugs they may go out of business and take UFC with them brawgh!

Good point.


Yep. Called the mute button. Phone Post

Rogan is great most of the time. I always enjoyed the no commentary fights on TUF because you can hear the corner men give instructions. On the flip side, listening to Greg Jackson's "instructions" on the Bellator reality show is fucking excruciating.

Go see it live. You wont hear Goldie or Joe unless you are sitting beside them, plus you have the crowd noise.

Another dumbass thread from OP.

I like Rogan and Goldie.

But I would also enjoy this option sometimes.  Would be cool to hear the sounds of the fights and crowd without commentary.  Muting it would turn off all the sound.

Watch it at a bar. You won't hear shit. Phone Post

Frobenius - We have a spanish version, why not a version with no commentary? It's all too easy to get taken in by Joe or Goldie calling it one way, when in fact it's not so clear cut. This is no insult to them - they are fans, they love the sport, and naturally for guys with the best seats in the house they get excited and sometimes they get a little more excited for one fighter than another. The problem is, this changes the way WE see the fight. Joe calls 'knockdown!' when maybe, with the sound off, we might have recognised it as pulling guard.

And no I don't want to mute it. I want to hear the walkout, hear the punches landing, hear the shit talking mid fight.

What do you think UG?


Get the fuck out of here with your hashtags. Phone Post

Dang you guys so hardcorez you just love the sport for what it is. So cool and unique bro. Nice! Phone Post 3.0

Just saw Takedown: The DNA of GSP the other day. Shows some fights with no commentary but not on mute obviously.

That's the way fights were meant to be watched.

Don't want Goldie or Rogan out of a job but would like the option to watch without commentary.

Glovegate - Just saw Takedown: The DNA of GSP the other day. Shows some fights with no commentary but not on mute obviously.

That's the way fights were meant to be watched.

Don't want Goldie or Rogan out of a job but would like the option to watch without commentary.

I Absolutely agree but you should've started your own thread for that instead of bumping this abortion of one made by an unpopular poster from the wrong angle.

Why bump this? It's not helping.

I guess I just didn't want to make thread #12212321 on wtv issue.

And to show that the demand has been there for a long time.

sillyscreenname -
Glovegate - Just saw Takedown: The DNA of GSP the other day. Shows some fights with no commentary but not on mute obviously.

That's the way fights were meant to be watched.

Don't want Goldie or Rogan out of a job but would like the option to watch without commentary.

I Absolutely agree but you should've started your own thread for that instead of bumping this abortion of one made by an unpopular poster from the wrong angle.

Why bump this? It's not helping.
Unpopular? Who the duck are you? My threads speak to people - live with it Phone Post 3.0

Frobenius -
sillyscreenname -
Glovegate - Just saw Takedown: The DNA of GSP the other day. Shows some fights with no commentary but not on mute obviously.

That's the way fights were meant to be watched.

Don't want Goldie or Rogan out of a job but would like the option to watch without commentary.

I Absolutely agree but you should've started your own thread for that instead of bumping this abortion of one made by an unpopular poster from the wrong angle.

Why bump this? It's not helping.
Unpopular? Who the duck are you? My threads speak to people - live with it Phone Post 3.0
And yes I meant duck Phone Post 3.0

$pon$or$ won't let it happen Phone Post 3.0

Frobenius -
Muhammad'I'm-hard'BruceLee - They do on UFC/TV don't they?

Is that the online stream? I know there are more options like listening to a certain corner etc so its a possibility.

It needs to be a mainstream option though like spanish on deportes, most people aren't watching online
I think you'd be surprised how many people do watch online these days... Phone Post 3.0