Like the Showtime Pettis kick but with a flying Triangle lol.
Can't embed off iPhone so blue please an thank you :-)
Hurricanrana imo
That's amazing
He hasn't hit it in a live mma fight though, has he?
interesting... fun.... creative... athletic..
but if you watch the opponent, he catches him and doesnt seem to react the way an opponent would.... opponent would react by backing up, like Henderson did,,, or at least cover up.
Love it!
ttt for awesomeness from Sass. I'm becoming a fan. Past the triangles, he's got good attributes too, like reach.
That's not at all impressive. Pretty much anybody can do a slow motion "flying" triangle with your partner carrying you the whole way.
100% unimpressive
BrCutter - This was pretty funny (while watching Sass vids on the tube).
As if he didnt tap haha
Sass impressed the hell out of me his last fight. Definitely a fan! Looking forward to hs next match!
hes like a flying octopus
Yayyyyyyy another one of my threads makes UG news
Would be legendary if he pulled this off in the UFC.
BrCutter -
var so = new SWFObject("", "postVideo-36918281-Flash", "425", "355", "9.0.28", "##000"); so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "samedomain"); so.addParam("allowNetworking", "internal"); so.addParam("wmode", "transparent"); so.write("postVideo-36918281"); This was pretty funny (while watching Sass vids on the tube).
He needs to start doing the water trick ala Gene Labell...
Gotta love Pauls ass!