MMA Underground Forums

Sick of sponership!!!!

I know ufc have to use sponsers to make money after all its a business! But is everybody else sick to death of sponser after sponser being pushed in our faces also is there anything else left the ufc could sell ads to. I mean the conan the barbarian prep area !!! Wtf !!! Phone Post

Pipedown rubadub!

Yet again I echoe this statement - 3-6 month trial period before topics can be made.

This statement pretty much makes itself 20-30 times a day for you in the form of either troll threads or random anger threads.

 wuts sponership?

i for one like that fighters get money from sponsors.

i for one like that fighters get money from sponsors.

*sponsership apologies on my fone Phone Post

Bjjon -  *sponsership apologies on my fone Phone Post

try again.

And only wondered if anyone else felt it was over the top ie too much especially before the main event ? Didnt mean to cause outrage on the ug just wondered what peoples opinions were ? Phone Post

Haha think ill go and hide somewhere lol Phone Post

Alright since it looks like you're not trolling, you are in fact right the sponsorship is kind of ridiculous.

But MMA is a sport - I can think of no other sport (half-way mainstream and televised anyways) where they don't try and shove 95 brands and logos down your throat per minute.

I suppose my issue may be the ufc is really the only sport i watch that is based in states. Most sports here in the uk are heavily sponsered but more banners/billboards etc rather than verbally i wonder if the ufcs approach is similar to other american sports and its just a difference of mannerisms ? Phone Post

this is a jumbled mess spaz thread, but he's right... lol @ the conan the barbarian prep point... embarrassing

I'm waiting for, "He has him in the "Horrible Bosses" rear naked choke" or "That was a "Transformers 12" knockout!"

It will get there. Phone Post

 I have yet to see anybody else do it more than the Mike & Mike show on ESPN.Its beyond gross,but capitolism at its finest. 

You are not the only one tired of so much spoonership in this sport:

I loved when Evan Tannar came in with no sponsers. I miss that guy.