The purpose of a fight is to finish it.
The fighters have 3-5 rounds to finish the fight.
Failure to do so will result in the judges determining
"Which fighter was most likely to finish the fight"
If you punch a guy for two rounds then get tired, and he beats you up in the third, you lose the fight.
This style of judging rewards a fighter for being able to overcome a beating, taking punishment is as important to fighting, as dishing it out.
Fighters would always finish fights strong under this system, no longer would sitting on a lead be acceptable.
Scoring points fits boxing, surviving a battle, and emerging in superior shape then your foe, is what MMA is all about.
Then you would get a bunch of fighters saving it all for the last couple minutes....
I think you'd reverse most bad decisions if you applied this line of judging.
Dana can cut you just as easy for not fighting early as he can for Gerald Harrising it late.
this is why PRIDE's scoring system was perfect.
they gave extra points for finishing stronger, but they did not give fighters the nod if he did nothing but merely finished stronger.
UFC just needs to be like Pride.
ShanTheMan - Then you would get a bunch of fighters saving it all for the last couple minutes....
From memory this is exactly what happened when tried at grappling events in the early 00s.
Was meant to encourage submission attempts without fear of losing points but instead both fighters stalled until the 'no points' period had finished and then started their match LOL