Sims Bosse could be cancelled

Sims is now entering the octaton at the exact moment so he'll be fighting.

BTW, we interviewed this guy and he's hell funny as a monkey! lol It's the first time that when asking a fighter about his training, we get the answer : "eeeeeeeeuhhhhhhh, yeah I'm prepared!"

ah and BTW, Bossé wins. Twice! lol It is a long story to explain. Well, The fight was stopped by TKO, but Sims and Coleman were really mad tolding the shots didn't cause any dommage and that the fight wasn't supposed to be stopped. So somebody decides to restart the fight, then Bosse won again. Even Patry appeared to be messed up after the fight! lol

How about Greer/Quennville...? Thanks

 Guillaume Lamarche def Syd Barnier par étrangelemnt arriere 2.27 min Round 1

Éric Leclerc def Devin Henry 1.13 round 1 par etranglemennt triangulaire

Mike Ricci def Stéphane Chrétien par TKO a 4.58 Round 3

Tim Wadsworth de Jeff Harrison. TKO a 3.33 round 1

Tom Murphy def Gregory Milliard Soumission ( arm bar) 3.21 Round 1

Icho Larenas def Guido Carlo TKO Round 1 4.21.

Stéphane Vigneault def Yaotzin Mesa TKO R2 3.28

Stéphane Dubé def Yannick Galipeau TKO 3.42 Round 1

Thierry Quenneville def Ben Greer vs. TKO R3 54 sec

Adrian Wooley def Danny Martinez unanimous decision (nouveau champion chez les 135 lbs)

Steve Bossé vs Wes Sims ankle lock R1