Sleep apnea and health / training

Do any of you have sleep apnea? Do you wear a mask to help you sleep?

If so, how much has the mask helped your quality of life? Do you feel better throughout the day? Less tired? Able to train harder/more often?

I am getting a sleep test this week because the doctor thinks I might have it. A friend told me once he was diagnosed and started using the mask he got the "best sleep of his life." Just wondering about others' experiences.


Okay... I got sleep study in June of '09 and found out that I had moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea. I got my CPAP in August of '09 and NOTHING has improved the quality of my life more that that thing. NOTHING.

I lost 60 lbs. WITHOUT trying. No joke.

I weighted 215-220-- I was fat but lifted like a powerlifter and had decent lifts but wasn't really athletic like I was when I was training MMA and grappling in my mid 20's (I'm 32).

I got the mask and felt like a different guy. My appetite used to literally be absurd and I would eat constantly and was tired constantly. I tried to eat like Arnold in Pumping Iron-- you know-- tons of meat and eggs and shit... but it was not really that healthy or sustainable. I was very depressed and the doctors put me on anti-depressants but I don't think they helped me and seemed to make me gain even more weight.

Anyway, now I weight between 150-60 walking and have tons of energy and feel like I did when I was 25.

That "best sleep of your life" thing is true.

Man to man, get tested and get the mask if you need it. It will transform your life. No Joke.

Wow. Dude... I'm 27 but other than the depression part, I sound exactly like you. I walk at 215-220. Eating like a maniac and lifting like a powerlifter, but not strong like a power lifter (although getting stronger).

Your post gives me a lot of hope... Thanks man!

Get a sleep study done!!!!

I've had really bad sleep apnea my entire life. When I was 5 I would sleep over at my cousin's house and my uncle would stay up all night because he was afraid I would stop breathing and not start again.

When I was 12 I had my adenoids removed to try and fix it, the surgery did nothing.

I had sleep study and my CPAP completely changed my life.

I was a mean, grouchy, bastard for the first 22 years of my life. It turns out I'm actually a fun, friendly guy. Not getting decent sleep for 2 decades can really screw a person up.

I saw an almost immediate change with my CPAP. I had energy and actually enjoyed life.

It may take some getting used to (I felt like I had runny nose for the first couple weeks, that feeling will go away) but if you have significant sleep apnea problem you NEED to get checked out and get a CPAP.

LeftBench - Do any of you have sleep apnea? Do you wear a mask to help you sleep?

If so, how much has the mask helped your quality of life? Do you feel better throughout the day? Less tired? Able to train harder/more often?

I am getting a sleep test this week because the doctor thinks I might have it. A friend told me once he was diagnosed and started using the mask he got the "best sleep of his life." Just wondering about others' experiences.


I've got sleep apnea and I use a CPAP every night. Its the single best thing I've done recently to improve my quality of life.

I'll go into my detail later, but one surprise for me was my lifts all went up by 10% to 20% within a few months of using the CPAP.

How did you guys know you had sleep apnea? I mean I know you had a test done, but why did you have a hunch?

I was told by several people that I had snored pretty erratically and stopped breathing during the night.

I just ignored it for years. The things that made me think I should get tested were morning headaches, constant fatigue every day, driving home from work and struggling not to fall asleep.

if its mild, losing weight will help. I had it, once i lost 20 lbs it went away. Sleep apnea is no good, ur not getting good rest.

Thanks for the information guys, this thread really has me excited. I am going for my sleep test Wednesday night. I'll let you guys know how it goes.

I guess enough people have trumpeted for the breathing machine. I sleep so much better with it, deeper sleep, no snoring, no headache upon waking not as sleepy during the day I could go on but it is not the end of the world if you have to sleep with one. It takes a little getting used to but after a few days you will be fine 02

I went and had a sleep study done about 10 years ago. I snored pretty bad and was tired all the time.

I got my CPAP machine and the thing drove me crazy. I never got used to it. I tried and tried but during the night I would take the mask off in my sleep and not know until morning when I woke up and realized it had probably been off all night. So I tried the nose pillows type mask which was so much more comfortable to fall asleep with. But still I would take it off during the night and not realize it until the morning.

I was probably 25-30 lbs overweight so I worked out and dropped 30 pounds and my sleeping and snoring has been so much better.

I don't share this story to discourage you by any means, my brother uses the CPAP machine and swears by it so I know it works, I just couldnt get it to work for me. I share this story just to give you some things to think about going in and to be aware that there are different mask options should you run into the same problems I had. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Ok guys I got my sleep test last night.

The technician said that if my sleep was HORRIBLE, he would wake me up at 2am and just hook me up to the CPAP machine and see if it helps from 0200 to 0600.

He never came in at 2. When I woke up at 6 he told me that I snore very loudly, but I am not a "Horrible" case. He said I do get into REM sleep, although I do not go into it as often throughout the night as I should, and I only touch on it instead of staying in it as long as I should. He said it technically is apnea.

Now I have to wait 2 weeks and have my physician read over the results and recommend what to do next. Does this sound familiar to you guys? Wondering if the CPAP will still be an option for me.

He did let me try the CPAP on in the beginning of the test and wear it for about 10 mins prior to going to bed. It felt pretty comfortable and did not bother me at all.

One more thing, apparently when asleep one's oxydation(Sp?) level should be 97-100, apparently mine drops to 87.

No idea what that means though, hopefully my doctor will explain.

Meeting with a pulminologist Feb 17. He will go over my sleep test results and I guess explain them to me.

LeftBench - One more thing, apparently when asleep one's oxydation(Sp?) level should be 97-100, apparently mine drops to 87.

No idea what that means though, hopefully my doctor will explain.

It means you're not getting enough O2. Anything in the 80s is not good. Could be any number of things that are causing this. Ive seen peoples drop into the low 90s just from the way theyre laying. Once I have them sit up and take a couple deep breaths it gos back up to 97+. Generally Ill put someone on oxygen if thier o2 sat gos under 96%. Ive seen people become altered in the sub 90s. Sounds to me like a cpap would help.

Josh Gibson - 
LeftBench - One more thing, apparently when asleep one's oxydation(Sp?) level should be 97-100, apparently mine drops to 87.

No idea what that means though, hopefully my doctor will explain.

It means you're not getting enough O2. Anything in the 80s is not good. Could be any number of things that are causing this. Ive seen peoples drop into the low 90s just from the way theyre laying. Once I have them sit up and take a couple deep breaths it gos back up to 97+. Generally Ill put someone on oxygen if thier o2 sat gos under 96%. Ive seen people become altered in the sub 90s. Sounds to me like a cpap would help.

Josh, thank you for the info. Are you a sleep tech? (Is that what its called?) I'll let you know when I speak to my pulminologist and get results.

I want to get the test, but my insurance doesn't cover it. People tell me I stop breathing often in my sleep, and I snore like a buzzsaw. Anybody have any experience finding a lower-cost way to get the test done?

Anarkis2 - I wish they made something for people with restless leg syndrome. I was hoping I had sleep apnea so a CPAP would help.

They have meds for restless leg syndrome, I believe Mirapex is the most commonly used.

But some of the side effects are compulsive gambling, nymphomania and cross-dressing.

Im not even kidding

I'm doing a home sleep test, I guess they give you a kit and you monitor your sleep for 3 nights.

I'm constantly tired, strength levels have decreased quite a bit, and I'm unfocused. I think a lack of quality sleep has left me in a contant state of overtraining.

Hopefully I can get this resolved, because it's absolutely miserable as is.

Any of you try that mouthpiece for sleep apnea?