Hillary - Spider techniques and walk throughs are what I'm looking for...please post or recommend some. And I should have clarified, I don't have issues with placing or maintaining the hook in DLR, but if someone quickly angles their knee out with pressure to pass the hook, I've gotten hurt multiple times. I'm trying to avoid it as much as I can.
I've almost given up on the hook precisely because of that sudden movement to get rid of it. I'm feeding the opponents near lapel under my dlr leg to my hand instead. Once done, I lose the hook entirely but the lapel feed gives me similar options.
How about focusing primarily on guard maintenance for a while (EG, keeping knees close to your chest, not allowing the person to pass completely, but still playing open)?
Tinguina's spider guard tape set is pretty solid for longer folks, but I have stubby legs so I like Robinho's stuff a little more although I'm afraid to use the lasso hook against bigger people after having one of my knees almost go out on me a few years back during some drills.
Hillary - Spider techniques and walk throughs are what I'm looking for...please post or recommend some. And I should have clarified, I don't have issues with placing or maintaining the hook in DLR, but if someone quickly angles their knee out with pressure to pass the hook, I've gotten hurt multiple times. I'm trying to avoid it as much as I can.
It is kinda hard to walk through techniques online.
It is also hard to play spider and avoid using the DLR hook completely. It is a fantastic control position. If you're safe with X guard, watch how Romulo and Leandro Lo get to x guard from spider. Keenan used to do it for a while when he was in the late stages of brown belt, early black.
I think you can play a lot of sit up guard... you can have some threats from dlr but primarily just to momentarily keep yourself attached to your opponent....and really working between sit up and spider...
A lot of dbl sleeve. This will keep your opponent's grips from attacking your feet and making you work your knees too much. You'll have the freedom to move your feet around to off balance or just to reposition to something comfortable.
michelle nicolini has great instruction on open guard. Her shit guard is great for off balancing and setting up the triangle. I think that someone with reasonably long legs would hit it at high percentage. Check out the BJJ Scout 2 part series on her open guard, its pretty good and has great musical soundtrack lol
michelle nicolini has great instruction on open guard. Her shit guard is great for off balancing and setting up the triangle. I think that someone with reasonably long legs would hit it at high percentage. Check out the BJJ Scout 2 part series on her open guard, its pretty good and has great musical soundtrack lol
My knees have always been bad, cracked since 3rd grade. I even had to give up hardcore judo practices. I can't do whole practices of ukemi.
I play a lot of butterfly, hook sweep. Lot of jj machado and mg style stuff. Single x and x guard have been very complimentary lately.
I play dela riva a lot too but i don't hold the position. Make angle and move. I don't entrench myself there with grips and hold on while my knees twist.
Just coming off two knee scopes so this thread interests me. I have been back a month and am still feeling stiff and sore. I have been playing a lot of half guard. De la riva hurts a bit and I don't have the strength back to play butterfly (to off balance or sweep partner).