So I have a bad habit of eating whenever after a good work out. I try to get a shake with aminos after but shit happens. Would anyone know what I'm depriving myself of when this happens?
If you're trying to stay healthy, you're not missing much. There is conflicting evidence as to how long the post workout "window" is open. If you're a high performance athlete, you may be missing an opportunity to speed up your recovery by using a 4 parts carb/ 1 parts protein drink. As long as your overall diet provides enough calories and nutrients, then you're ok.
That's what I thought thanks!
I used to freak if I didn't get a post workout meal/shake in. Now I don't care much. I eat or have a shake if I'm hungry after a workout but I don't have one just because of the "30 minute recovery window". I honestly haven't noticed a difference either.
Some current research seems to indicate that the carbs are not even needed and protein alone will still trigger up-take.
Take it for waht it is worth. People have been being succesful athletes for years by just eating, sleeping and training. A lot of thi stuff is hype and or over analyzing.
Follow up.
Some nutriton folks will say be sure to feed within two hours, others say if you wait more than 45 minutes, you missed out. Some say carbs after, some say protein after...Still others say carbs and protein after. Some say it has to be a shake...and follow with food later, others say just eat something.
Only way to know for sure is to keep accurate records, and experiment for yourself.
I think its a good idea to get some food within an hour or so after an intense workout, but i agree with all that's been said. It's far from necessary. Mechanoreception seems to be the most significant trigger for hypertrophy, and that mixed with high frequency is the best for strength, neither of which would be impacted much by anything short of malnutrition. Endurance factors are largely unrelated to food timing insofar as i am aware.
I used to work out at home, then start cooking something to eat as soon as i'd had a shower after a work out. Now i cycle to a gym about 25 mins away, work out, and then cycle back. So these days i rarely eat or drink anything other than water for about an hour after my workout.
I haven't noticed any real difference at all.