Some of my pics from EUPHORIA

Last night was a great night.  Some of the pics can be seen at

Here are a lil more









Thanks a lot for the pics.


Can you tell me about the Jay White/Jeff Monson fight.

I am Jay's former training partner. He is not answering his phone (probably doesn't want to talk to anyone) and I am dying to hear more about the fight.

Was it competative until Jay's injury?

"Was it competative until Jay's injury?"

Yea I thought it was real competetive. Jay's BJJ skills were obvious early in the fight and he looked like he was in amazing shape. Monson also looked really strong. I had no idea why the fight was stopped until they announced his injury though. Up until that point it looked like a pretty even, really good fight.

I thought the Monson/White fight was very competetive. Then all of the sudden they were ringing the bell and stopping it, I had no idea what was going on until they sat White down in the corner and started looking at the knee. He had a really hard time leaving the ring and then he sat down about 50 feet from the ring while they looked at the knee. He did a solid job while he was in there and I was looking forward to a very good ground battle between them.

Arias, did you take those pics for the people?


What Tat?

Thanks Don/Dogo

I still can't get hold of Jay. He is probably a little down. I hope he is not in the hospital.

However, considering that he was doing well against a world class veteran in only his 3rd MMA fight, this event shouldn't hurt his career.

Jay took this fight on 10 days notice. Plus, he was only preparing with his students plus the occassional trip to Renzo'sand the 10 days with the Couture crew. Image how good he will be when properly coached and trained.

Like everyone else who saw the fight, Jay White was holding his own.  His jui itsu skills were very appaerent.  He was on his back and there was some confusion but they Jay tapped out to due to a leg injury....

"Arias, did you take those pics for the people?"

yes sir

my camera phone is 5.0 mega pixel


If that was only Jay's third fight then i'm very impressed. We didn't get to see much of his standup skills, but if he has them then he's good to go b/c he was pretty smooth on the ground. (obviously didn't get a purple from Renzo for nothing.)


Sean feels the need to stick up for me reason. It was a good fight I wish I didn't get hurt, I would of wanted nothing more but to continue the fight. Technically this is my 4th MMA fight as a pro 1 fight was a NC early in the 1st round due to accidental head butt. So yes Only my 3rd fight that we really actually fought. I have 1 AM fight also. I'll be back MRI on Monday to see what's up? Then we'll go from there.

I'll also be training full time with Team Quest in April.

Thanks guys for all the support.

Sean you don't need to stick up for me.

Jay I hope you do not join me on the IR. Good luck with the MRI I hope you do not need surgery.

I go in for surgery next Wed. Then I start back on the road to recovery.


Would you happen to have any pics of the first fight Kolisci (sp) vs. Sivori I would like to get them for John Sivori if I could also if any one got a pic of the ear. We missed the rest of the event trying to get it drainied





You could post them here or email them to me at