Someone needs to ROMOSHOP....

A picture with all champs standing side-by-side. Catch is, they all have casts/ crutches on each others limbs. Like Aldo with a foot cast, Cruz with a leg cast, Gsp with crutches etc.

Then, have a meme at the top saying," THE UFC " and the bottom saying, "WHERE INJURIES ARE AS REAL AS IT GETS" or something amusing like that.

Will def vote up if this is accomplished. Phone Post

Damn, I guess it's a shitty suggestion lol.
Well, when I get my pc back, I will create this and it will be super serial. Phone Post

Good suggestion, more work than I'm capable of.

So then it is a good suggestion then? TTT for someone with talent! This should be done!! Phone Post

Lol that would be hilarious. Phone Post

Tttt Phone Post