Something Shady....

meco24 - Preemptive excuse. Phone Post

Possibly Phone Post

What's the proper protocol?

Oooo Phone Post


Wtf? Phone Post

In Phone Post

Jake Shields - I just checked GSP's gloves and the wrap looked commission won't let me back. Been trying to for the past 30 minutes.... Not saying he's cheating but wtf?!

Would you mind explaining what you saw that didn't seem right to you?

If you feel that it's something that you'd rather not get into online, I completely understand, but thank you in advance. Phone Post

The beginnerenining. Phone Post

Ruh row!

Oh boy Phone Post

Oh shit!!!!!!!! Phone Post

get back in there Jake!

Those old fucks cant hold you back



when not sure...gsp seems to resort to cheating...
with penn it was the some shady wraps...

will this be an asterisk fight again?

Innnnnnn Phone Post

Wow, IN!

In Phone Post

In for further investigation. Good work Jake.

Chimonos Revenge - 
meco24 - Preemptive excuse. Phone Post

Possibly Phone Post
