Sonnen: Don't bring up God

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                                Sonnen: Don't bring up God

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                    <p>Chael Sonnen is one of MMA's most talked about athletes, and maybe because he's also one of MMA's most vocal. Sonnen recently sat for exclusively interview with and discussed how he promotes fights and has advice for his peers:</p>

Borchardt: Based on what your saying here, one thing I've noticed as a fan myself over the years is that when fighters show a genuine emotion, it allows fans to emotionally invest in that fighter. I think that's what a lot of people miss out on with those canned answers.

Sonnen: It's obvious. It's very obvious when they do that.

Borchardt: Where does that attitude come from in MMA? Is it something to do with the martial arts mentality or the mentality from amateur wrestling?

Sonnen: I think that what you've just guessed is certainly a part of it. Somewhere one of the, as they like to call them "the pioneers" -- which simply means the old guys -- somebody started that phenomenon about "this is how we answer things, and this is about testing our skills" and all of that crap. The domino effect happened and 20 years later here we are still doing that. I don't get it, I don't like it.

We're not in class. You don't have to give the teacher the answer that you think the teacher wants to hear. We can have an open debate, we can have an open discussion. Just be yourself.

Every now and then in this industry you're going to run into a Shane Carwin, that just turns out he's a really nice person. But, those guys are few and far between, man.

These guys are fist fighting in a steel cage for a paycheck and the applause of a drunken audience. Don't pretend to be something you're not.

And don't bring up God. As a devout Catholic I'm tremendously offended when somebody acts as though God is playing a hand in a fistfight on Saturday night. Newsflash people: God has better things to do.

read entire interview...

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dindt know he was a catholic

I actually agree with him Phone Post

He's so right. Phone Post 3.0

Lol, Chael telling it like it is. 

I love Chael's attitude. Yes my current name is because I bet against him, and I think it was a good bet going in, but I'll be damned if his fighting spirit and fighting attitude hasn't made me a fan of his.  Always been entertained by his wordplay, but Chael really does have a good outlook on how fighters should think.

Kazp306 - 

Yeah ufc brazil cards may as well be sponsored by the church... its gross Phone Post

lol. this.

Fox censored my Chael screen name -

Lol, Chael telling it like it is. 

I love Chael's attitude. Yes my current name is because I bet against him, and I think it was a good bet going in, but I'll be damned if his fighting spirit and fighting attitude hasn't made me a fan of his.  Always been entertained by his wordplay, but Chael really does have a good outlook on how fighters should think.

I like chael, he's a boss.

But he is just very good a convincing people at what he's saying is right.... N making people have these "realisations"

Like we all haven't been thinking I wish these guys would stop banging on about god.... Like until he said it, none of us thought it.

How can people agree with what he has just said though.... Are you saying you believe chael knows what god is doing and where he's doing it ??? Its ridiculous Phone Post 3.0

Makes me cringe when guys use the "God" card like Justin Wilcox did this wknd in Bellator. Its kinda embarrassing. God spoke to me 2x to choke this guy out lol im sure. Unbelievable in 2013. Phone Post


Makes me cringe when guys use the "God" card like Justin Wilcox did this wknd in Bellator. Its kinda embarrassing. God spoke to me 2x to choke this guy out lol im sure. Unbelievable in 2013. Phone Post

It's also basically saying no matter how religious and good of a person the opponent might be, "GOD FAVOURS ME!"




2 Kings 2:24


23Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up by the way, young lads came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, "Go up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead!" 24When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two lads of their number. 25He went from there to Mount Carmel, and from there he returned to Samaria.


God clearly has a thirst for violence. 

I am a catholic and agree with him 110% Phone Post 3.0

Hasn't he already come forward and said if his God cared about a borderline illegal fist fight in-front of a drunken and rowdy audience he'd seriously be reconsidering his religious beliefs? Phone Post

he's RIGHT. it gets old. god has nothing to do with you beating another grown mans ass.

I kind of cheer for Justin Wlcox but that won't last long if he keeps preaching after every win.
in fact I turn the channel whenever he starts.

I agree and disagree. I have no problem with someone thanking God for the win or for the strength, but no, God didn't speak to you in the middle of a fight Phone Post

Agree with chael as well. I will take it a step further and say that i hate when people wear their religion on their sleeve, wether it's christians, muslims or jews etc. it's great to have faith but even better to keep it to yourself. Phone Post 3.0

Pitbull3744 - 

I agree with Chael i hate when fighters do that, its the most annoying shit ever. 


So you thank G-d when you win, do you blame him when you lose? 

i imagine that there are a lot of 'it was god's will' that are said when they lose.

He'd be right if God was actually a real thing watching over us. In reality God is just a personal imaginary friend that some people have. If they want to thank their imaginary friend for helping them win a fight then all the power to them.

ChrisWeidmanedmydiameter -  I agree and disagree. I have no problem with someone thanking God for the win or for the strength, but no, God didn't speak to you in the middle of a fight Phone Post


most people don't get this and am surprised chael does not get this.



ben henderson is not saying "god, thank you for giving me the victory over the other boxing man"


it is "i have found in you the strength to train, eat my vitamins, be healthy enough to work, and blah blah" 

if say bendo didn't have faith in god, he might not be strong enough to do all of these things to get to the point where he can even win a fight.


chael should also listen to his own advice "be yourself". when chael does the fake wwe shit he is goofy and fake. when he is just himself he is pretty likeable.

No no, god helps people score touchdowns and beat the unholy fuck out of people. Phone Post 3.0