Soszynski TUF8 Blog

Mike Russell - 

"All of a sudden, I see Frank Mir walking out of the dressing room with the most disgusted look on his face. Either someone let go a wretched bomb or Guida didn't make weight. It was neither. Frank comes over, half-shaken, mumbling something about legs in the air and a furry coinpurse. After watching the episode, I am sure you know exactly which part I am referring to. Let's just say it wasn't a baby girl. Jason came in 11 pounds overweight that morning and spent the rest of the day in the sauna and in front of the toilet. He was in rough shape.

LMAO @ "furry coinpurse"

I've always liked Krzysztof.

LOL! Me, too;)


lol... nice edit...



"... As Dana started to announce the match ups, Vinicius Magalhaes (my former teammate from Team Quest in Temecula, CA) and I were getting a little anxious. We did not want to fight each other (at least not yet)..."

I hope you talk discuss what you think about Vinicius leaving Team Quest in a later blog?  Who is the BJJ coach down there now?

 Nice Blog!

Bryan Harper BJJ black belt and Joao Assis BJJ brown belt are at Quest teaching.

Bader- Good see see you on here, hope all is well


Thank you everyone for the positive comments,


Jeff Williams is a cool bro

 Thanks Krzysztof, how is the hand? How you doing?

Ryan Bader -  Nice Blog!

Master Bader, I want to talk some shit about you on my next blog... what do you think???? lol

 Haha do what you gotta do, but that would not be nice!

Ryan Bader -  Haha do what you gotta do, but that would not be nice!

don't worry Bro...hahaha
Shit talking won't start yet... not and I think you're safe...

 Ha! Alright but remember I have blogs also my friend, look for it Thursday morning. Later

Good stuff guys. I'm really looking forward to watching your first fight on tomorrow's episode Ryan.

 Thanks BigFarmer, appreciate it!

From: Ryan Bader
Posted: 16 hours ago Member Since: 5/6/08
Posts: 9 Ignore | Quote | Vote Down | Vote Up
Thanks Krzysztof, how is the hand? How you doing?

Hand is good, sore from time to time, but good. training hard, helping Thierry get ready for his fight in London, going out there for the fight, excited about that. Looking forward to seeing how everyone will be portrayed on the show.

How is training going?


 for laters

TTT for KS