Sparring with opposite style

I recently trained with a guy who is a 5th degree.....something in kung fu. He wanted to do stand up. I grabbed my boxing gloves and he put on these little gloves that I have never seen before so I changed to my mma gloves. To make a long story short he was doing all of this weird funky movement and when he threw a punch he would yell but not hit me...every time. At one point he turned sideways, grabbed himself with one hand and waving his other hand in front of me....I thought he was show casing so I threw a few hard tai kicks to his legs. Bascially it was very easy for me to land all of my combonations. I use to train a lot but now down to one day a week, I am by far no pro fighter or even contend with top amatuers. His little followers were so amazed that he didn't kill me. He said that it was very hard for him to stand up with me because of different styles....I thought of it more as target practice for me! My backgroungd is kickboxing and ground....Has anyone sparred with a 5th degree...blaw...blaw...blaw with a similar story?

Did he act like he could have killed you with his "death" blows?

I had a Karate black belt that came to BJJ class wearing his attire. I was a white belt pushing blue at the time. I tok him down easily. He didn't have the space to strike so I choked him with his Karate Gi. It happened 2 more times and on the fourth time he got a Karate chop on my neck. Pissed me off so I slapped him back and forth a little from the lion kill until he gave me his back and got choked again. I wasn't being a dick or anything. He never came back

Your so full of shit... seems like everyone on here has some story..The only thing you have spank is yourself and possably a small dog but that is still under investigation.

MrEgg is a retard and that case is closed.

Must be the Karate guy I was talking about. :)

Yes Iam a retard .....But like the Great Hand-Man once said insert slurred speach"Dont underestamate the powers of the handi capped"

Game-Dog You are the small dog I was talking about )0(

5th Degree Black Belts are all pussies!

Gary Hughes

I don't think he was putting down tmas. Kung fu (real kung fu) does not have belts.

I have run across quite a few "8th degree bbs" who were eager to tap on the ground. I seriously doubt they had attained any kind of rank but people like to brag about that kind of shit for some reason.

I have a bb in JJJ but it doesn't do me any good compared to my years of mt/boxing/bjj. I just wish I had spent those years in hs wrestling instead of doing jjj.

^ correct ^

Like most people when you find out how easily you can be fooled by someone's pure conviction that what they teach is effective.

Brazil Combat, All BJJ Brands Here!

Most tma's just don't cut it. All that trining with no contact sparring (I said most because there are a few tma's that spar hardcore).

I knew a guy who was a bb in aikido had trained for years in goju-ryu karate and was a brown belt in jjj. He was working in a mini-,art and one night some guys decided to shoplift some beer from his store. As they were walking out he confronted them and when they wouldn't put it back he threw his best punch, and pulled it just before contact (muscle memory taking over in the heat of battle). The guy gave him a funny look, punched him and ran out.

Renzo said it best when saying BJJ you can train 100% w/o getting hurt. I think the muscles and air you use while rolling can be equivelant to a real fight

I am not exactly positive what it was he was doing. But thinking back on it, it was funny. He is a regular where I train so we will see. As long as he doesn't try any of his "dim mak" stuff on me, I will keep training. All in all he was a nice guy.