Spider Guard Compression shorts+Cup. Experiences?

Anybody buy or use a pair of these? Are they any good? My current compression shorts are cutting it and I need a new pair.

My current pair has a cup pocket with no button or zipper to close it. I have no fucking clue how these are meant to operate but I had to sow my cup pocket closed. No the thing moves way too much.

Experiences with the shock doctor or Dirty Boxer ones as well anyone?

Get the Jaco cup man!! It's the bboommbb! Phone Post

 great cup....worth the money

The shock doctor one seemed no different than any other one I've tried. Compression shorts by themselves are great for keeping your bits tucked away neatly but I just cant do the cup during normal classes anymore. I swear my junk would get pinched at least 3 times a class. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Phone Post

Yea, I do the shock dr and no cup, I play a lot of spider guard and just can't do the cup. Phone Post

I got the spider guard cup and under armor compression shorts with pouch. Doesn't work well for me, cup doesn't sit flush on me, gonna switch back to good ole jock strap, any recs there (for spider guard cup)? Phone Post

The spider guard cup is terrible, it pinches my bollox every time I wear it. Shock doc is well better Phone Post

So glad I am not the only one who gets "pinched" with the shock doctor shorts.  

I had a hell of a time with shock doc with cup. It was never where it needed to be. I ended up getting a standard jock cup for like 18 bucks and wearing it under the compression shorts. Way better. Phone Post

 Under Armor compression shorts and Dirty Boxer cup for me. Seems to work decent.

 Spider sells a normal jock with its cup. I have that, I like it, although it seems long (the cup)

I'm tellin you guys the Jaco cup and compression shorts are great! It has Velcro straps to keep the cup really tight, meaning no ball pinching. Anybody ever had their cup ride up a little and get a knee right in the taint! It sucks, with this pair It makes it real tight. No ball pinching no knee strikes to the taint. Barely know it's their. Phone Post

 I use XO athetics compression shorts.  They're great.  No closure device but the cup stays put.

Shock doctor = terrible.

shock doctor works well, just put the cup against your skin, not in the pocket

looks like I'll be going back to compression shorts under a strap for my Spidar Guard cup, like I used to do w/my Shock Doctor cup/strap/boxer briefs underneath facepalm

is a strap, a strap? or does someone make a good light, sweat wicking one one for use with this damned long ass Spider Guard cup? w/o droppin $20-$30 on a whole new Spider Guard of course (would support UG gear version, but they've been out of Medium forever)