Spike TV Prez: Coker is in Talks w/Carano, Brock


At the end of the story above on MMA Fighting... Phone Post 3.0

Couldn't care less about Carano. I would DIE to see Brock in Bellator!

Coker has made some sketchy moves recently, questionable releases... hopefully he knows what he is doing and has a huge year come 2015... he did say the roster is going to look much MUCH different at the end of this year, he wasnt joking by the looks of things.

Also read that all of the title holders from a promotion called "shamrock fc" were going to get bmma contracts soo hopefully something positive comes out of that.. still looking forward to what coker does 2015...

If they can get someone like brock to draw in raw numbers and fill his undercard with bellator top talent, they could really start building names...

Rumble busted my Sweedish Meatballs - Brock isn't going either is Gina il buy the first reply to this a blue if it happens Phone Post 3.0
You mean me!?

Pls? Phone Post 3.0

Haulport -

Couldn't care less about Carano. I would DIE to see Brock in Bellator!

This comment strikes me as oddly annoying... Are you joking or are you really a taylor swift fan that would just 'die' to see Brock in bellator? Forgive me if I've missed the irony here. Phone Post 3.0

diggity -
Haulport -

Couldn't care less about Carano. I would DIE to see Brock in Bellator!

This comment strikes me as oddly annoying... Are you joking or are you really a taylor swift fan that would just 'die' to see Brock in bellator? Forgive me if I've missed the irony here. Phone Post 3.0
Brock vs Cheick Kongo woooo our dream fight. Phone Post 3.0

Flexo -
diggity -
Haulport -

Couldn't care less about Carano. I would DIE to see Brock in Bellator!

This comment strikes me as oddly annoying... Are you joking or are you really a taylor swift fan that would just 'die' to see Brock in bellator? Forgive me if I've missed the irony here. Phone Post 3.0
Brock vs Cheick Kongo woooo our dream fight. Phone Post 3.0
Kimbo Phone Post 3.0

Can you imagine how much Brock would clean house in Bellator's heavyweight division? Could be their biggest star ever. Probably better long term than getting KOed by Mark Hunt Phone Post 3.0

Rumble busted my Sweedish Meatballs - Brock would be an idiot to go to bellator Phone Post 3.0
Why do you think that? Phone Post 3.0

nothing would be bigger than Brock vs Kimbo!

Isn't Brock still under ufc contract as he just retired? Phone Post 3.0

THERE WAS A GLITCH IN THE MATRiX - nothing would be bigger than Brock vs Kimbo!
There is some truth here Phone Post 3.0

Rumble busted my Sweedish Meatballs - Brock would be an idiot to go to bellator Phone Post 3.0

Good way to stay away from top 10 hws.

If Bellator can splurge the cash, he might be better off.

Strikeforce top guys dominated ufc guys

I have faith in coke Phone Post 3.0

I imagine Brock vs Bobby Lashley would be pretty big on Spike.

So would Gina vs anybody or Fedor vs anybody. I seriously doubt that Fedor or Gina ever come back to MMA tho.

Hell, even if they sign only 1 of those 3 fighters, that will be a win.

Brock vs. Kimbo / Brock vs. Lashley would be both huge draws, IMO. Not a bad play for Bellator as it almost certainly establishes Brock as "back" with a dominant win?

Kimo Lives - Strikeforce top guys dominated ufc guys

I have faith in coke Phone Post 3.0


tenchu -
Kimo Lives - Strikeforce top guys dominated ufc guys

I have faith in coke Phone Post 3.0

Actually, guy, they kinda did. Phone Post 3.0

Brock vs Prindle?

SupesUp - Isn't Brock still under ufc contract as he just retired? Phone Post 3.0

I'm assuming the Overeem fight was the last one on his deal.