Sponsors for Matt Horwich

 I am looking for sponsors for my fight Feb 26th 2011 vs Giva Santana in MEZ Sports, which will be in Irvine, CA. I am coming off a TKO win over Jake Rosholt, and submitted Thales Leites this past August. The fight will be recorded and televised at a later time. Please email kellylegendsmma@gmail.com if you are interested. Thanks and god bless.



fannypack - what a wierd dude you are matt, you seem to be getting very cocky latley but now that your looking for sponsors your bein all humble like, sayin godbless and what not. good luck

 i feel like you took the 10th planet vid a little to seriously

GriffinQ - 
fannypack - what a wierd dude you are matt, you seem to be getting very cocky latley but now that your looking for sponsors your bein all humble like, sayin godbless and what not. good luck

 i feel like you took the 10th planet vid a little to seriously 

fannypack - what a wierd dude you are matt, you seem to be getting very cocky latley but now that your looking for sponsors your bein all humble like, sayin godbless and what not. good luck

watch more fights, learn more about the fighters you are criticizing


ttt for Matt Horwich

 ttt for $$$ for Mad Matty Horwich!

fannypack - what a wierd dude you are matt, you seem to be getting very cocky latley but now that your looking for sponsors your bein all humble like, sayin godbless and what not. good luck

Shut your mouth fannypack, or Matt will ass-fuck it.

He's the most humble guy in the sport.

 Matt is very humble.. Great guy to hang out with.


Matt is an awesome guy!
I think you are taking things a little too seriously. Matt is one of the, if not the most, humble guy in the sport. That's why that video is so funny.


maxmain - 
fannypack - Ive met matt and use to roll with him, his last few wins have turned him into something else. Not the same guy he used to be. But to each his own. No disrespect to the guy, really hope he does good

Who are you?


He's someone that is saying a fighter has changed after a few wins. It happens. I don't know if it's true in this case though.


ttt for matt

I hope ( and pray Matt ) that another Irvine based MMA Org does some marketing because

I couldnt find much to anything on said upcoming event . We know these Bren event shows draw

more employees than MMA fans.

Matt is the nicest most humble guy in the history of MMA. The video of him calling Renato Laranja is a joke, I put him up to it and he had fun with it. That video would not have been funny with anyone else. Matt just RNC'd BJJ black belt Thales Leitas and tko'd D1 wrestler Jake Rosholt from back mount, Matt is making a HUGE comeback :) Phone Post

Bishop Eddie Long is Matts biggest fan