Monte is putting it together i believe.
when its done Im sure he will put it in here.
lots of stuff on Monte and Kerry's plates right now.
ttt great show
come to my bar Sully's afterwards
downtown on Seventh and Race (corner)
"to early to tell"
Im saying that the ICE events are great and people should go whenever they get a chance
the last 14 shows that i have been around have all be fun to be at. fighting in this event is a rush itself.
great atmosphere and crowd.
I've been to about 16 or 17 of them,I enjoy the event every time.
blazing saddles
april im fighting THG
"SRR and Jake LaMotta imo."
Yep. To be more specific, SRR vs. Lamotta 6.
"You never put me down, Ray."
i put me down
its a little hard to read. where is it?