im excited! today is the day I finally get to begin my dream of training mma! I start tonight after work and I am just wondering what to expect and wondering if anybody has any good stories of their first day going to a MMA school?
Expect to be very sore tomorrow in muscles you didn't even know you had.
If you are doing any kind of wrestling training expect to be bloody exhausted.
During a particularly difficult part of my first day of training, the instructor took me aside. He looked me square in the face and told me, "Never back down!!".
try not to spaz.
and its called suffer-systmes here on london on, has anybody ever heard of it before? I know matt hughes was up here a couple weeks ago and I think he was brought by the suffer systems people.
Don't forget your cup and mouthpiece (I recommend a Gladiator).
Also, I dont care if you ARE a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, wrestled in high school or if your dad was a boxer... you don't know shit about MMA. So listen up.
Don't spar with newbies, they are dangerous and have a chip on their shoulders. The tougher the guy, the less he has to prove it. Spar with the tough guys until you become one yourself.
There is no shame in puking, just don't do it on the mat.
Brush your teeth and use deodorant. Don't be the smelly guy that no one wants to roll with. Also, don't go shirtless, that's just for guys. Plus, it's just nasty.
Have fun, that's what it is all about.
he told me to just bring a shorts and a t-shirt so i doubt theres going to be to much sparring or heavy rolling, I'm just hoping its not a bunch of middle aged men going through a crisis that are there to ultimate fight everybody and not really learn the different arts.deaoderant- checkbrushed teeth- not so checki would say cardio is my biggest weekness, so theres a good chance im going to be puking
Downtown -
There is no shame in puking, just don't do it on the mat.
man i wish i could get this one down.... i dont know how many times ive lost it haha..
do you have a base martial art or you just gonna learn em all? lol
I meant the different facets of styles which make up mma...
not really, Ive sparred with my friend who fought a couple amatuer kickboxing match and Ive rolled with a guy who trained judo for a while... so basically I dont know alot of anything, but im athletic, flexible and strong so I think ill do alright
Just realize that no matter how good of shape you may think you are in, after tonight you will know that you are in fact not even close.
Have fun and don't worry about trying to be impressive. I think a lot of newer guys have the feeling they need to go in and prove something, which is bogus. Train hard, yet safe, and keep going to class even when you don't really want to. That is how you prove yourself, imo.
Don't act like a know it all...nothing worse than a new guy that knows it all. check your ego at the door. Show that you're eager to learn. The guys will be alot more receptive and willing to teach you...and may not be as rough on you. good luck
do not, i repeat, DO NOT ask questions like "so how much training do think i need before i start fighting?" if you're even considering asking them you're already there for all the wrong reasons. i promise you it is the best way to get off on the wrong foot with most people who take training seriously.
thanks for the advice. has anybody ever heard of suffer system? I know I should be going to tompkins, but this place is in walking distance from work
drano - I'm just hoping its not a bunch of middle aged men going through a crisis that are there to ultimate fight everybody
Don't worry, I'm sure there will be plenty of young, insecure guys like yourself, there.
brendan shanahon- i hope I dont come across as that kind of person
shen- i look forward to meeting you!
Good luck!
shen, nevermind I read your post and i thought you said you were there. ps fuck you
Don't throw up on the mat. Try to make it outside if you can. We had a high school wrestler that was a solid 200 lbs. come in and after 20 minutes of grappling he ran outside and puked.
I almost threw up my first day. Since then the only time I come close is when I roll with dudes that come in smelling like cat piss and baby puke. Don't be the smelly guy.