Just got home from watching the Black and Gold out hit the Ravens. NC808, Honald, and Sub can suck my CAC!!!! Cards are dead bird come Super Bowl. And I'll take a screen name bet if anyone wants.
LOL lets do this
Diken Cider - Just got home from watching the Black and Gold out hit the Ravens. NC808, Honald, and Sub can suck my CAC!!!! Cards are dead bird come Super Bowl. And I'll take a screen name bet if anyone wants.
don't really care about either, but i'll still suck your cahk if you want
wish I booked a trip this past season =( Guess I'm gonna have to that way this Dec.
God I hate the Steelers!!!!!!! :(
Diken Cider - wish I booked a trip this past season =( Guess I'm gonna have to that way this Dec.This is the first year I did not attend a game since 1996. I feel your pain.
I grew up loving the Steelers. My across the street name loved the Cowboys so every Sunday, the rivalry was on. One of the more vivid memories of my childhood.
Mike Onzuka - I grew up loving the Steelers. My across the street name loved the Cowboys so every Sunday, the rivalry was on. One of the more vivid memories of my childhood.
hmmm cowboys vs. steelers that reminds me of another rivalry uhmm DC
Speaking of Cowboys vs Steelers ask Kaleo about his new tattoo Mike.
Diken Cider - Speaking of Cowboys vs Steelers ask Kaleo about his new tattoo Mike.
its official me and Diken Cider will be making a screen name bet for 1 month hes going for the steelers im going for the cards so I will need some name suggestions from the HG
^^^1/2 Man, 1/2 Teddy Bear
I need a new name for DC
OOhhhhhh, lol
Fug you they ain't losing. I hope you enjoy you're new names I picked out for you and Honald. BTW still hanging from last night. You guys got me so fucken busted by the wife.
No worries, Mrs. DikenCider was sporting a Steeler cap @ the picnic
for ya...I'm pulling for the Steelers to beat the Cards
tips my forty oz for my beloved Vikings
Diken Cider - Fug you they ain't losing. I hope you enjoy you're new names I picked out for you and Honald. BTW still hanging from last night. You guys got me so fucken busted by the wife.
Eh diken, It was suppose to be meatrokket (picking the steelers) and I (supporting the others) doing the name bet, you and nc808 was doing your own bets on the side remember? And you're still hanging? hahha.. gotta admit, drinking from 4pm til 3 or 4 in the morning from atleast 5 different places was pretty crazy....
Diken Cider - Fug you they ain't losing. I hope you enjoy you're new names I picked out for you and Honald. BTW still hanging from last night. You guys got me so fucken busted by the wife.
damn I hope all is well so did I but I was up at 830am like nothing happened WTF I thought I was going to sleep till 1pm