Still trouble in MN.

Someone please tell me I am behind but last year they had the language on two bills and it had to be killed on both, the language was removed this year on one, is this the other one or am I slow, I had a guy search and he said there was two and that one was removed but this one is still up.

someone answer my dumbass

I hope you are wrong. I know last years was striken, but you can never be too safe...

They tried the two bill thing last year but it was caught, I hope I am wrong too.

at least someone tell me if I am wrong so I can stop looking like an idiot

you're wrong, but I think we can all agree you still look like an idiot either ;)

Quit smoking Nick's stuff!

what stuff

not a dumm question.


Hey Jami, what's the good word on BATB 21? Can I sneak someone in at 185 lbs?


this bill relates to toughman contests and at the end it throws in the words ultimate fighting

I can't believe this is not being checked out by some of you smarter folks, at least tell me I am full of shit

Do you have what it takes to be the Ultimate Fighter?