Stop the fight


Fuck that ref. 

The ref finally read your thread

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Fking shit ref

Whew. What was he waiting for exactly?

that was ridiculous. ref should not ref again


Fucking terrible. 

Fuck that ref

What was he waiting for

Fuck that ref 

My gawd that was hard to watch

Ref sucks Corner Sucks worse. 

Terrible reffing

seriously f*ck that ref

Horrible and the corner is garbage

How many unanswered?

Colby takes one or two shots from the turtle and the ref stops it in the last 10 seconds of the 5th for the belt.

Aldo takes maybe 40 unanswered shots from the turtle before the ref stops it at the end of the 5th for the belt.

The ref he gave Aldo every chance he could to keep my parlay intact, intelligently or not aldo was still defending early stoppage in my opinion 

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Keyboard_warrior -

The ref he gave Aldo every chance he could to keep my parlay intact, intelligently or not aldo was still defending early stoppage in my opinion 

Haha. My parlay too