Storm prep

Make sure you have dry ammo, whiskey and spam. TP, water and cigarettes are good for barter. Phone Post 3.0

And jimmy Naks tells me it's not gay if the powers out. Phone Post 3.0

One must do what one must do to survive Phone Post 3.0

This thread sucks. Hurricanes are a product of the media and governmental manipulation (holy shit.... God, I'm just kidding). Phone Post 3.0

It's hot and humid as fuck we need air conditioner relief Phone Post 3.0

KeezyDoesIt - It's hot and humid as fuck we need air conditioner relief Phone Post 3.0

it sounds like parents and teachers are getting ready to revolt. I think if the DOE doesn't do something about it soon they are going to wake up one day with all their office ACs magically re-purposed overnight.