
In terms of percentage, how much time do you devote to strength training as a physical attribute? (including max, endurance, strength speed, etc.)

What does the rest of your training look like? Is the rest skill-specific (i.e. is the rest of your time spent on the heavy bag or on the mat), or are you training other physical attributes separately (speed, cardio, etc.).

I use barbell complexes, bag work and sledgehammer training to train strength and stamina at the same time. When I spar, I seek out training partners who are bigger, stronger and faster than I am (thankfully an incredibly easy task) for the same reason.

My training regiment, I'm 55 years old. 5am-7am at the gym with a 2-4 mile run on the treadmill and then stretching and weights. I do weights 6 days a week working different parts of the body except I only work legs in the winter. Lunch time 12 noon on Mon, Tues, Thurs I run 3-4 miles. I have 2 hour boxing Monday nights, MMA Tues and Thurs nights with open mat for 3-5 hours on Saturday. Wed and Fri and Sun I bike 30-60 miles with occasional bike rides of 70-100 miles. Then after the MMA workout, from Mon-Fri I go to the gym at 9pm and swim laps finishing with a whirlpool and steam. Sundays I bike in the morning and then I go to the gym and do a light workout with a whirlpool and steam.

I use the ME days from the Westside for Skinny Bastards template.

1 upper ME day 1 lower ME day and 1 conditioning day after each ME day with 1 day rest before and after.

I use Crossfit, Gym Jones, and Dan John style weighted conditioning days.

Last weeks workouts were

ME upper: Floor press super setted with chest supported t-bar rows working up to a 5 rep max around 275 for the floor presses and 270 for the t-bar rows with alot of body english.

Day of rest

Conditioning day: Mod'd Helen 3 rds 4 minute tabata interval jumping rope, 10 55# dumbbell swings each arm, 12 chin ups.

Day of rest

ME lower: Back squat 135x10 225x8 315x6 365x4 405x1. Pull thrus 150# 4x10. Shrugs 405# 4x10 off hi pins so no bouncy bouncy cheating crap.

Day of rest

Conditioning day: Litvinov sprints
Snatch grip high pulls 225x5 with wrist straps ss w/
30 seconds of jumping rope as fast I could physically go. First 5 rounds were regular jumps last 5 rounds were alternating each leg, looks like I'm jogging in place. The last set finished at the 19:50 mark so I switched to regular jumps and jumped as fast as I could for the last 10 seconds pushing my self like crazy. Finished up with about 3 dry heaves.

That was last week.

And I try to squeeze in some boxing and grappling when I can but I don't get too crazy since it's just for fun.

WHen I train (which is not all the time, haha) about 75%.

Why? because that's what keeps me training. I don't compete in anything and I don't care terribly much how I look, but I enjoy getting stronger much the same as I enjoy any hobby. Breaking 300 pounds squatting for reps or whatever gives me a great sense of accomplishment, which keeps me going.

I can't go to the gym and just do cardio. Bores me out of my skull, and I stop doing it. I have to lift or I won't do anything.

When I get to the gym to lift I can talk myself into some light cardio after :P

That is true :P