Strip Silva Anderson of Title

Siva greased when he entered the cage. He was so slick that Leites guy kepts slippign on his ass. At least GSP has his trainer apply the grease, and then he gave us for rounds of entertainment when beating Baby Penn.

Evidence don't lie!


If U think that's why Leites and BJ lost, U got problems.

This is not boxing. They have to REQUIRE at least rash guards. Full sleaved. This sport was started to emulate who is the toughest or most technical fighter and it has added rule after rule to favor strikers. Fine. But c'mon. Guys are bathing in oil the day before? They are rubbing it on before the fight??!!?

The strikers are good but if I want to watch world class strikers I can watch elite boxers or kickboxers.

Use rashguards and create at least a little more of a technical environment for the grapplers who are getting screwed by hot lights, oil and sweat.

 there is no lubricant in that small a quantity that could affect a fighter's skin texture more than his own sweat.   This whole greasegate thing is out of control.

Poor Leites career was ruined by grease, everyone thought he was trying to butscoot, he just kept slipping off Silve's punches.

"They have to REQUIRE at least rash guards."

I agree 100%.

uhfelons -  there is no lubricant in that small a quantity that could affect a fighter's skin texture more than his own sweat.   This whole greasegate thing is out of control.


These types of threads are annoying.

Immaculata - If U think that's why Leites and BJ lost, U got problems.

Who's BJ?


OneScoup - 
Immaculata - If U think that's why Leites and BJ lost, U got problems.

Who's BJ?

Ask your Mom.

"Ask your Mom."

LMAO!!!!!!!! Whoa!!!! AHAHAHAHAAHAH!!!

Do another one!

OneScoup - "Ask your Mom."

Do another one!


That's what your mom herself.

Wait, I don't get that one.

Try again!