Nick probably stuck it in her butt later that night.
I couldn’t find anything that said if it was current or not.
Whatever happened to that crazy woman who supposedly married Nick?? She was making YouTube videos for awhile, can’t remember the channel name.
Those Nate’s wicked jeans made her to go after Nate
I only remember a blonde chick.
Was she a crazy bitch?
This just made me think of that crazy lady that stalked Roger Huerta back in the day and she posted here in the UG a few times i believe.
Michelle Lopez.
Thats the one!
Or channel’d his inner Vince Mc and got her arianny to poop on him, as she has prior experience in Dubai
Sweet Jorts
Gotta put the jeans through paper shredder for fashion nowadays
I found some articles but all her videos are private now apparently.
Jorts all day and all night. The perfect piece of clothing.
No,that is not her.
I’ll BRB.