Stupidy things that poser fan say

Last night during the fight one guy at the table next to me was talking with his friends all about MMA and trying to act like a real connisseur talking about the good old days Ken shamrock and all kinds of stuff like he does jiu-jitsu etc. Anyways, I'm listening to him and he drops this little gem: "Gracie Baja" like Baja california. Haha I couldnt stop laughing. What an idiot.<br /><br />What are some stupid things that noob say that outs them as posers?

Neon belly

This thread


I once heard some complete noob say stupidy.

Op    You cannot be funking serious. 

Haha, i'm so in...

This is coming from a UGer (the NBK douche fan)"I'm 6.1 and 215 pounds, I could eat Diaz arm punches all night"


fuckity! west side kings are undefeated 

Gotta be a troll

he pronounced barra like baja, just like brazilians do

what a romo