Submissions yet to be seen in MMA / UFC?

Has any gogo been pulled off yet? How about a Japanese neck tie? Has anyone ever tapped to an omoplata? Phone Post

Harmon Whistler -
Chimonos Revenge - Has there ever been a Banana Split in the UFC?

  Joe Stevenson caught Nate Diaz in one during a scramble, but Diaz didn't tap.

Belcher tried one against Palhares too.

Vinny is probably the only one who could pull that off in the UFC Phone Post

BackInBlack - Has any gogo been pulled off yet? How about a Japanese neck tie? Has anyone ever tapped to an omoplata? Phone Post

I mean in the UFC Phone Post

In Phone Post

BackInBlack - 
BackInBlack - Has any gogo been pulled off yet? How about a Japanese neck tie? Has anyone ever tapped to an omoplata? Phone Post

I mean in the UFC Phone Post

Dustin Hazellet caught Tamdan McCrory in an omoplata for over a minute, iirc.. Barn Cat wouldn't tap. I think McLovin transitioned to an armbar from there to get the submission.

sub Phone Post

Brabo Ben - David avelan posts around here, he's got a nifty little choke from half guard called the 'y-choke' i hit in training sometimes, its a bit of a rape choke but you can switch grips to make it look like a nogi cross collar type thing. Never seen anyone hit that Phone Post

Ive got a nogi breadcutter that I hit. Dunno if there's vid. Phone Post

Good thread idea op. Despite the ary videos.... Phone Post

For later Phone Post

Later Phone Post


Cool thread Phone Post

In Phone Post

Death Star Choke I didn't like. I feel that you could grab that foot on top and pull down on it and tap the guy out trying to do it or at least make him think twice about this submission.

Scorpion Rib Crush I also can't see myself tapping to that. It's a little bit of pressure on the back, but if you have a good back it doesn't look like it would work. There are a lot of back "cranks" and you can muscle out of them or wait until the arms gas on a lot of them.

The Submissions 101 videos I think only work with someone compliant and not trying to get out of the moves.

It seems like Eddie Bravo is trying to get some ass in all of his videos.

You can do a no gi Ezekiel Choke. Instead of the gi you grab your elbow (bicep) or if you have longer arms your forearm. It's very hard to do if you have short arms like me, but every once in a while it presents itself. I always seem to go for the Ezekiel Choke (in gi), mostly from full or half guard. I don't submit people with it every time, a lot of times I have to let it go, when they're off balancing me, but I do attempt it so they know I will try a submission from anywhere. It's easy to do and most important it's easy to stop doing.

I would love to see somebody pull of a Chris Jericho-style Boston Crab move to get a submission win in the UFC.

^^^ Came here to post the boston crab

Its been attempted in Pancrase but never completed

@DanTheWolfman: That's you on the video dude? That's pretty cool man. So how did you invent such badass submission? And why do you think nobody's ever done it in MMA / UFC?

Calf slicer?

In Phone Post

Double armbar and multiple omoplatas have been pulled off in mma, YouTube is your friend...