ttt 4 BJB!!! Get that man a fight already!!!
Are you that guy that was on one of the Sherdog podcasts awhile back?
yes. yes i am
I remember loling several times during that, then looking up your highlight right after. Hilarious stuff.
Your bigass should just fight a grizzly bear, I'd watch that.
ttt for a fight!
its never good when fighers dont take their shirt off. Just sayin...
TTT, always have wanted to see some superheavyweight matchups every now and then, Pride did a good job mixing those in sometimes.Was that slow motion at then end of the highlight video or was he just gassing? j/k
Keep workin hard Big Man.....props for competing!
Guys, I assure you, Jon Brown would stun you guys with his athletic ability at 330 lbs.... this guy moves like a middle weight, and in years and years of training around him, I have never seen him get tired, even in the middle of a round robin training session.... I am ashamed to say he once caught me in a Uma plata.... I felt as stupid as a lion getting caught on the throat by an elephant....
and this guy is the type of human that would hand you the shirt off his back...
We love you, you comic book reading,internet dating,pancake eating big oaf!!
Thats a bunch of crap PornStar. I havent had pancakes in MONTHS!!!!!
Top for John "I tip the waitress more than the stripper" Brown! haha old school!