Are there any sumplements out there that would just stop me feeling so damn drained after a couple of hours bjj.
All I've tried so far are variatioons on carbs before, during and after - from pasta to chocolate to energy drinks - but I still just feel weary. I know it's normal, I just don't like it.
NO Xplode is great for that. Check out my site You can just click on my name/logo and it will bring you there. Best price too!
Thanks for the tip. It says "NO-Xplode induces its maximum energy and vaso-muscular volumizing effects within 1-5 hours after ingestion."
Firstly does that mean it's primarily meant to make me look big and buff.
And secondly does that mean I'd be able to do up to 5 hours of exercise without feeling weary afterwards. I just want to feel like a man not a towel afterwards.
karatemanmike is correct, too. We have those as well.
Wilbur111- It wont make you look big & but it will increase your energy output since the nitric oxide helps expand blood vessels allowing more blood and oxygen to your muscles which will cut down on fatigue.
First of all if your training of "a couple of hours" means 2 or more
hours in one training session more than a few times a week thats way
too much and your burning yourself out. Training should be an hour
and a half max, sometimes 2 is cool but make sure your getting a
break here and there, otherwise like i said, you'll burn yourself out and
you wont improve your game, i train with plenty of guys that train 6
days a week or twice a day as much as they can, yet they never seem to
improve as fast as some of the guys that train 2 or 3 times a week,
these guys come in fresh everytime and can go all out everytime they
roll. 2 or 3 times a week works good for me too.
Supplements should be simple and relative to your goals and training.
Things like NOXplode and creatine are bodybuilding supplements, you
may be told otherwise by people that are selling it but dont believe the
hype. If your weight training too, cool, then i would suggest the
NOXplode, if your just doing BJJ/wrestling get your multivitamin, and
anti oxidant, some L-glutamine for recovery and some omega 3s.
Eat at least 4 times a day and get at least 8 hours sleep a night.
I agree with Brock, you should rotate supplements or your body will get used to them. Not just NO Xplode, but diff proteins, etc. You gotta trick your body or it'll adapt.
Not to disagree, but when your body becomes immune to a product such as creatine, you should cycle off of it for a few weeks to allow your receptors sites to deplete.